
function Update-NetworkDrive
        Remaps mapped network drives if needed.
        Remaps mapped network drives if needed.
        Performs no operation, if no network drives are mapped on a GPO.
        Migration tables do not correctly update mapped drives, unfoortunately.
        Requires valid source data to be already imported, for example by running Import-GptDomainData or Import-GptIdentity.
    .PARAMETER GpoName
        Name of the GPO to update.
    .PARAMETER Domain
        The destination domain into which the GPO has been imported.
        PS C:\> Update-NetworkDrive -GpoName 'Share Y:' -Domain ''
        Updates the GPO "Share Y:" for the domain, remapping the share from the source domain to the destination domain.

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute('PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions', '')]
    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
            $gpoObject = Get-GPO -Domain $Domain -Name $GpoName -ErrorAction Stop
            $destinationDomain = (Get-DomainData -Domain $Domain).ADObject
            $gpoADObject = Get-ADObject -Server $destinationDomain.PDCEmulator -Identity $gpoObject.Path -Properties gPCFileSysPath -ErrorAction Stop
        catch { throw }
        if ($script:sourceDomainData)
            $sourceDomainDNS = $script:sourceDomainData.DomainDNSName
            $sourceDomainNetBios = $script:sourceDomainData.NetBIOSName
        elseif ($script:identityMapping.Count -gt 0)
            $sourceDomainDNS = $script:identityMapping[0].DomainFqdn
            $sourceDomainNetBios = $script:identityMapping[0].DomainName
            throw "Unable to determine source domain. Run Import-GptDomainData or Import-GptIdentity first!"
        Write-Verbose "$GpoName : Processing Network Shares"
        $driveXmlPath = Join-Path -Path $gpoADObject.gPCFileSysPath -ChildPath 'User\Preferences\Drives\Drives.xml'
        if (-not (Test-Path -Path $driveXmlPath))
            Write-Verbose "$GpoName : Does not contain Network Shares"
        try { $driveString = Get-Content -Path $driveXmlPath -Raw -ErrorAction Stop -Encoding UTF8 }
            Write-Verbose "$GpoName : Could not access Network Shares file"
        $driveStringNew = $driveString.Replace("\\$sourceDomainDNS\", "\\$($destinationDomain.DNSRoot)\").Replace("\\$sourceDomainNetBios\", "\\$($destinationDomain.NetBIOSName)\")
        if ($driveStringNew -eq $driveString)
            Write-Verbose "$GpoName : Nothing to remap in the defined shares"
        try { Set-Content -Value $driveStringNew -Path $driveXmlPath -Encoding UTF8 -ErrorAction Stop }
        catch { throw }