
function Test-Overlap
        Matches N:N mappings for congruence.
        Matches N:N mappings for congruence.
        Use this for comparing two arrays for overlap.
        This can be used for scenarios such as:
        - Whether n Items in Array One are equal to an Item in Array Two.
        - Whether n Items in Array One are similar to an Item in Array Two.
        This is especially designed to abstract filtering by multiple wildcard filters.
    .PARAMETER ReferenceObject
        The object(s) to compare
    .PARAMETER DifferenceObject
        The array of items to compare them to.
    .PARAMETER Property
        Compare a property, rather than the basic object.
    .PARAMETER Count
        The number of congruent items required for a successful result.
        Defaults to 1.
    .PARAMETER Operator
        How the comparison should be performed.
        Defaults to 'Equal'
        Supported Comparisons: Equal, Like, Match
        PS C:\> Test-Overlap -ReferenceObject $ReferenceObject -DifferenceObject $DifferenceObject
        Tests whether any item in the two arrays are equal.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        $Count = 1,
        [ValidateSet('Equal', 'Like', 'Match')]
        $Operator = 'Equal'
        $parameter = @{
            IncludeEqual = $true
            ExcludeDifferent = $true
        if ($Property) { $parameter['Property'] = $Property }
        switch ($Operator)
                return (Compare-Object -ReferenceObject $ReferenceObject -DifferenceObject $DebugPreference @parameter | Measure-Object).Count -ge $Count
                $numberFound = 0
                foreach ($reference in $ReferenceObject)
                    foreach ($difference in $DifferenceObject)
                        if ($Property -and ($reference.$Property -like $difference.$Property)) { $numberFound++ }
                        elseif (-not $Property -and ($reference -like $difference)) { $numberFound++ }
                        if ($numberFound -ge $Count) { return $true }
                return $false
                $numberFound = 0
                foreach ($reference in $ReferenceObject)
                    foreach ($difference in $DifferenceObject)
                        if ($Property -and ($reference.$Property -match $difference.$Property)) { $numberFound++ }
                        elseif (-not $Property -and ($reference -match $difference)) { $numberFound++ }
                        if ($numberFound -ge $Count) { return $true }
                return $false