
function Import-GptIdentity
        Imports identity data exported from the source domain.
        Imports identity data exported from the source domain.
        This data is used for mapping source identities to destination identities.
        The path where to pick up the file.
        Filter identities by name.
    .PARAMETER Domain
        The destination domain that later GPOs will be imported to.
    .PARAMETER Mapping
        A mapping hashtable allowing you to map identities that have unequal names.
        PS C:\> Import-GptIdentity -Path '.'
        Import the identity export file from the current folder.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [ValidateScript({ Test-Path -Path $_ })]
        $Name = '*',
        $Domain = $env:USERDNSDOMAIN,
        $Mapping = @{ }
        $pathItem = Get-Item -Path $Path
        if ($pathItem.Extension -eq '.csv') { $resolvedPath = $pathItem.FullName }
        else { $resolvedPath = (Get-ChildItem -Path $pathItem.FullName -Filter 'gp_Identities*.csv' | Select-Object -First 1).FullName }
        if (-not $resolvedPath) { throw "Could not find identities file in $($pathItem.FullName)" }
        $rootDomain = (Get-ADForest -Server $Domain).RootDomain

        # Declare Module scope index of identities and what they map to
        $script:identityMapping = New-Object 'System.Collections.Generic.List[Object]'
        # Helpful Select Hashtables
        $select_TargetMapping = @{
            Name       = 'Target'
            Expression = { $Mapping[$importEntry.Name] }
        $select_TargetName = @{
            Name       = 'Target'
            Expression = { $targetName }
        $select_TargetDomain = @{
            Name = 'TargetDomain'
            Expression = { $domainObject }
        $importData = Import-Csv -Path $resolvedPath
        foreach ($importEntry in $importData)
            # Skip entries filtered out
            if (-not (Test-Overlap -ReferenceObject $importEntry.Name -DifferenceObject $Name -Operator Like))
            #region Case: Mapped Entry
            if ($Mapping[$importEntry.Name])
                $script:identityMapping.Add(($importEntry | Select-Object *, $select_TargetMapping))
            #endregion Case: Mapped Entry
            #region Case: Discovery
                #region Case: Native BuiltIn Principal
                if (($importEntry.IsBuiltIn -eq 'True') -and ($importEntry.SID -like "*-32-*"))
                    try { $targetName = ([System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]$importEntry.SID).Translate([System.Security.Principal.NTAccount]).Value }
                        $adObject = Get-ADObject -Server $rootDomain -LDAPFilter "(objectSID=$($importEntry.SID))" -Properties Name
                        if (-not $adObject) {
                            Write-Warning "Failed to translate identity: $($importEntry.Name) ($($importEntry.SID))"
                        $targetName = $adObject.Name
                    $script:identityMapping.Add(($importEntry | Select-Object *, $select_TargetName))
                #endregion Case: Native BuiltIn Principal

                #region Case: Domain Specific BuiltIn Principal
                elseif ($importEntry.IsBuiltIn -eq 'True')
                    try { $domainObject = Resolve-DomainMapping -DomainSid ($importEntry.SID -as [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).AccountDomainSid.Value -DomainFqdn $importEntry.DomainFqdn -DomainName $importEntry.DomainName }
                    catch { throw "Cannot resolve domain $($importEntry.DomainFqdn) for $($importEntry.Group) $($importEntry.Name)! $_" }

                    $targetSID = '{0}-{1}' -f $domainObject.DomainSID, $importEntry.RID
                    $adObject = Get-ADObject -Server $domainObject.DNSRoot -LDAPFilter "(&(objectClass=$($importEntry.Type))(objectSID=$($targetSID)))"
                    if (-not $adObject)
                        Write-Warning "Failed to resolve AD identity: $($importEntry.Name) ($($targetSID))"
                    $targetName = $adObject.Name
                    $script:identityMapping.Add(($importEntry | Select-Object *, $select_TargetName, $select_TargetDomain))
                #endregion Case: Domain Specific BuiltIn Principal
                #region Case: Custom Principal
                    try { $domainObject = Resolve-DomainMapping -DomainSid ($importEntry.SID -as [System.Security.Principal.SecurityIdentifier]).AccountDomainSid.Value -DomainFqdn $importEntry.DomainFqdn -DomainName $importEntry.DomainName }
                    catch { throw "Cannot resolve domain $($importEntry.DomainFqdn) for $($importEntry.Group) $($importEntry.Name)! $_" }

                    $adObject = Get-ADObject -Server $domainObject.DNSRoot -LDAPFilter "(&(objectClass=$($importEntry.Type))(name=$($importEntry.Name)))"
                    if (-not $adObject)
                        Write-Warning "Failed to resolve AD identity: $($importEntry.Name)"
                    $targetName = $adObject.Name
                    $script:identityMapping.Add(($importEntry | Select-Object *, $select_TargetName, $select_TargetDomain))
                #endregion Case: Custom Principal
            #endregion Case: Discovery