
    Get a list of resources published on the user's Yandex Disk. Resources in the list are sorted in order of publishing, from latest to earliest.
    Get a list of resources published on the user's Yandex Disk. Resources in the list are sorted in order of publishing, from latest to earliest.
    The list can be filtered by resource type to get only files or folders.
.PARAMETER ResourceType
    Resource type,
    file or folder
    List of JSON properties to include in the response.
    Keys not specified in this list are omitted when generating a response.
    If the parameter isn't specified, the response is returned in full without omitting anything.
.PARAMETER AccessToken
    Access Token for request
    Get-YDiskPublishedItemList -AccessToken $access_token -ResourceType dir
    Get-YDiskPublishedItemList -AccessToken $access_token -Property name, public_key, public_url
    Json with item list metadata as PSObject
    Author: Max Kozlov

function Get-YDiskPublishedItemList {
    [ValidateSet('dir', 'file')]

    type (file|dir)

    file # download url
    media_type #
    preview # ""


    [string[]]$Property = @(),

    $Headers = @{
        "Authorization" = "OAuth $AccessToken"
    if ($Property -contains "*") {
        $Property = "*"
    $offset = 0
    $total = 0
    $files = New-Object System.Collections.ArrayList
    do {
        $Uri = '{0}/resources/public?type={1}&limit=100&offset={2}' -f $YDiskUri, $ResourceType, $offset
        if ($Property) {
            $Uri += '&fields=offset,limit,items.{0}' -f ($Property -join ',items.')
        Write-Verbose "URI: $Uri"
        $requestParams = @{
            Uri = $Uri
            Headers = $Headers
            ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
        $result = Invoke-RestMethod @requestParams -Method Get @YDiskProxySettings
        if (-not $result -or -not $result.items) {
        $offset += $result.limit
        $total = $
    } while ($offset -lt $total )