
    Copy A file published on Yandex Disk to the Dowloads folder on the user's Yandex Disk.
    Copy A file published on Yandex Disk to the Dowloads folder on the user's Yandex Disk.
    To do this, you need to know the key or public link to the file.
    If you know the public folder key, you can also copy individual files from it.
    If a file with this name already exists on Yandex Disk, the file is renamed to "name (1).ext"
    The key of a published resource or a public link to a resource.
    Relative path to the resource in the public folder stared with "/"
    The name for saving the file in the Downloads folder
    Do not wait for the process to complete
.PARAMETER AccessToken
    Access Token for request
    Copy-YDiskPublishedItem -AccessToken $access_token -Public_Url ''
    Copy-YDiskPublishedItem -AccessToken $access_token -Public_Url '' -Path /folder -Name newfilename
    Json with item metadata as PSObject
    Author: Max Kozlov

function Copy-YDiskPublishedItem {
    [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)]

    [ValidateLength(1, 32760)]



    $Headers = @{
        "Authorization" = "OAuth $AccessToken"
    $Uri = '{0}/public/resources/save-to-disk?public_key={1}&path={2}&name={3}' -f $YDiskUri, [uri]::EscapeDataString($Public_Key), $Path, $TargetName
    $requestParams = @{
        Uri = $Uri
        Headers = $Headers
        ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
    Write-Verbose "URI: $Uri"
    try {
        $res = Invoke-WebRequest @requestParams -Method Post @YDiskProxySettings -ErrorAction Stop
        if ($res.StatusCode -eq 202 -and -Not $Async) {
            $json = $res.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
            $status = Wait-YDiskOperation -AccessToken $AccessToken -OperationUri $json.href
            $json | Add-Member -MemberType NoteProperty -Name status -Value $status -PassThru
        else {
            $res.Content | ConvertFrom-Json
    catch {