<# .SYNOPSIS Get Yandex Disk file and folder meta information .DESCRIPTION Get Yandex Disk file and folder meta information (properties) .PARAMETER Path The path to the resource relative to the Yandex Disk root directory .PARAMETER Property List of JSON properties to include in the response. Keys not specified in this list are omitted when generating a response. If the parameter isn't specified, the response is returned in full without omitting anything. .PARAMETER AccessToken Access Token for request .EXAMPLE Get-YDiskItemProperty -AccessToken $access_token -Path '/' -Property path, created .OUTPUTS Json with item metadata as PSObject .NOTES Author: Max Kozlov .LINK #> function Get-YDiskItemProperty { [CmdletBinding()] param( [Parameter(Mandatory, Position=0)] [ValidateLength(1, 32760)] [string]$Path, <# type (file|dir) name path created modified resource_id comment_ids private_resource public_resource share is_root is_owned rights exif revision (file:) antivirus_status size mime_type file # download url media_type # sha256 md5 preview # "" (dir:) _embedded sort limit offset path total items[] #> [ValidateSet( '*', 'type', 'name', 'path', 'created', 'modified', 'resource_id', 'custom_properties', 'comment_ids', 'comment_ids.private_resource', 'comment_ids.public_resource', 'share', 'share.is_root', 'share.is_owned', 'share.rights', 'exif', 'revision', 'public_key', 'public_url', 'antivirus_status', 'size', 'mime_type', 'file', 'media_type', 'sha256', 'md5', 'preview' )] [Parameter(Position=1)] [Alias('Metadata')] [string[]]$Property = @(), [Parameter(Mandatory)] [string]$AccessToken ) $Headers = @{ "Authorization" = "OAuth $AccessToken" } $Uri = '{0}/resources?path={1}&limit=0' -f $YDiskUri, $Path if ($Property -contains "*") { $Property = "*" } if ($Property) { $Uri += '&fields={0}' -f ($Property -join ',') } Write-Verbose "URI: $Uri" $requestParams = @{ Uri = $Uri Headers = $Headers ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8" } Invoke-RestMethod @requestParams -Method Get @YDiskProxySettings } |