
    Export Data to Google Sheets
    Export Data to Google Sheets
.PARAMETER SpreadsheetId
    SpreadsheetId file id
    Name of the sheet where the data should be exported
    List of object properties that should be created as columns
    If it not defined, columns will be taken from the properties of the objects being passed
.PARAMETER TransferLines
    Number of lines that should be transfered to the Google Api with one API call
    Use this parameter so that the data is added to the end of the specified file. Without this parameter, data will be overwritten without warning
.PARAMETER AccessToken
    Access Token for request
    Export-GSheets -InputObject $data -AccessToken $access_token -SpreadsheetId $SpreadsheetId -SheetName "Test"
    $data | Export-GSheets -AccessToken $access_token -SpreadsheetId $SpreadsheetId -SheetName "Test" -Append
    Get-ChildItem "C:\" | Export-GSheets -AccessToken $access_token -SpreadsheetId $SpreadsheetId -SheetName "Test"
    $data = @{header1='value11'; header2='value12'}, @{header1='value21'; header2='value22'}
    $data | Export-GSheets -AccessToken $access_token -SpreadsheetId $SpreadsheetId -SheetName "Test" -Columns header1,header2
    Author: Jan Elhaus

function Export-GSheets {
        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline)]




        [ValidateRange(1, 10000)]
        [int]$TransferLines = 100,



    BEGIN {

        $FirstRun = $true
        $Values  = @()
        $requestParams = @{
            AccessToken = $AccessToken 
            SpreadsheetId = $SpreadsheetId 

        if ($Append) {
            $FirstRow = Get-GSheetsValue @requestParams -A1Notation ($SheetName + "!1:1")
            if ($FirstRow.values) {
                $Property = $FirstRow.values[0]



        if ($FirstRun) {
            if (-not $Property) {
                $Property = ($InputObject | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty,Property | Where-Object {$_.Definition -notlike "System.*"}).Name
            if (-not $Append) {
                # Clear the SpreadSheet
                try {
                    Clear-GSheetsValue @requestParams -A1Notation $SheetName | Out-Null
                catch {
                    if( (($_.ErrorDetails.Message | ConvertFrom-Json).error.message) -like "Unable to parse range*" ) {
                        Add-GSheetsSheet @requestParams -SheetName $SheetName -RowCount 2 -ColumnCount 1 | Out-Null

                # Adding Header Row
                Set-GSheetsValue @requestParams -A1Notation "$SheetName!1:1" -Values (,@( $Property )) | Out-Null
                Set-GSheetsFormatting @requestParams -A1Notation "$SheetName!1:1" -Bold $true | Out-Null
            $FirstRun = $false

        # Appending Data
        foreach ($Data in $InputObject) {
            $Row = @()
            foreach ($Column in $Property) {
                $Row += $Data.$Column
            $Values += @(,$Row)

        if ($Values.Count -ge $TransferLines) {
            Set-GSheetsValue @requestParams -A1Notation "$SheetName!A2:B" -Values $Values -Append
            $Values = @()

    END {
        if ($Values) {
            Set-GSheetsValue @requestParams -A1Notation "$SheetName!A2:B" -Values $Values -Append