
    Read data from a Google Sheet
    Read data from a Google Sheet
.PARAMETER SpreadsheetId
    SpreadsheetId file id
    A1Notation of the data range that should be read
.PARAMETER IncludeGridData
    True if grid data should be returned. This parameter is ignored if a field mask was set in the request.
    Field masks are a way for API callers to list the fields that a request should return or update.
    Using a FieldMask allows the API to avoid unnecessary work and improves performance.
    A field mask is used for both the read and update methods in the Google Sheets API.
.PARAMETER AccessToken
    Access Token for request
    Get-GSheetsRaw -AccessToken $access_token -SpreadsheetId $SpreadsheetId -A1Notation "Test!1:15"
    Get-GSheetsRaw -AccessToken $access_token -SpreadsheetId $SpreadsheetId -A1Notation "Test!1:15" -IncludeGridData
    Get-GSheetsRaw -AccessToken $access_token -SpreadsheetId $SpreadsheetId -Fields ",title)"
    Get-GSheetsRaw -AccessToken $access_token -SpreadsheetId $SpreadsheetId -A1Notation 'A1:A5' -Fields ""

    Author: Max Kozlov

function Get-GSheetsRaw {



    $Headers = @{
        "Authorization" = "Bearer $AccessToken"
    $requestParams = @{
        Uri = '{0}/{1}?' -f $GDriveSheetsUri, $SpreadsheetId
        Headers = $Headers
        ContentType = "application/json; charset=utf-8"
    foreach ($range in $A1Notation) {
        $query += 'ranges=' + $range
    if ($IncludeGridData) {
        $query += "includeGridData=true"
    if ($Fields) {
        $query += "fields=$Fields"
    $requestParams.Uri += $query -join '&'

    Write-Verbose "Webrequest URI: $($requestParams.Uri)"
    Invoke-RestMethod @requestParams -Method GET @GDriveProxySettings