
cd   $PSScriptRoot
Upd-PsmFil GenSql
Describe Gen-SqlFil {
    Context '$pth is given' {
        It "Convert 2 OK sql3 files" {
            Mock Vdt-Sql3 { $false,"From Mock: sql3 is OK" }
            Mock Get-Sql  { "Sql statements" }
            Gen-Sql3.ps1 ".\sql"
# It "Should not call [Get-Sql]" {
# Assert-MockCalled Get-Sql -Times 0 # -ParameterFilter {$}
# }
            throw "sdf"
        It "Convert 2 Err sql3 files" {
            Mock Vdt-Sql3 { $true,"sql3 is err" }
            & .\Gen-Sql3.ps1 -pth .\sql  # <---
            1 | Should be 1
    Context '$pth is not given; using $pwd' {
Describe Is-L? {
    function fun($lvl) {Get-Script("Is-L"+$lvl)}
    function run ($lvl,$lin,$rmk,$rslt) { 
        $it = "[$rslt]: Is-L$lvl [$lin] $rmk"
        $fun = fun $lvl
        $act = &$fun $lin
        it $it { $act| should be $rslt }
    function T($lvl,$lin,$rmk) { run $lvl $lin $rmk $true } 
    function F($lvl,$lin,$rmk) { run $lvl $lin $rmk $false } 
    T 1 'kfsdlff '  'if non-rmk and fstChr is blank'
    T 2 ' sldkfsdlfdf '  'if non-rmk and fst4Chr is blank and 5th-Chr is non-blank'
    T 3 ' sldkfsdlfd'  'if non-rmk and fst8Chr is blank and 9th-Chr is non-blank'
    F 1 '--dkfsdlfdf '  'if rmk'
    F 2 '--dkfsdlfdf '  'if rmk'
    F 3 '--dkfsdlfdf '  'if rmk'
    T 3 ' kfsdlff '  'if non-rmk and some-of-fst8Chr is non-blank'
    T 3 ' kfsdlff '  'if non-rmk and some-of-fst8Chr is non-blank'
    F 1 '--dkfsdlfdf '  'if rmk'
    F 2 ' sldkfsdlfdf'  'if non-rmk and fst8Chr is blank and 9th-Chr is non-blank'
Describe *-Indt* {
    function run($lin,$rslt) {it "Is-IndtEr: [$lin] -> $rslt"; Is-IndtEr $lin | should be $rslt }
    function runPos($lin) {run $lin $true }
    function runNeg($lin) {run $lin $false}
    runPos "sldkfsdlfdf "
    runPos " sldkfsdlfdf "
    runPos " sldkfsdlfdf"
    runPos "sldkf sdf "
    runPos " ssdf df "
    runNeg ""