#requires -version 3 #requires -RunAsAdministrator function Get-FudgePopInventory { <# .SYNOPSIS Create HTML inventory report of computer .DESCRIPTION Create an HTML inventory report of hardware, software and operating system for the local computer, or a remote computer. .PARAMETER ComputerName Name of one or more computers to query. A separate report file is generated for each computer. Default value is local computer. .PARAMETER FilePath Path and filename for the inventory report. If not specified, the default is $env:TEMP\computername_inventory.htm .PARAMETER StyleSheet Path and filename for CSS stylesheet template. Default uses an internal "default.css" within the module structure .EXAMPLE Get-FudgePopInventory -Computer WS01,WS02 -FilePath "c:\users\dave\documents" #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess = $True)] param ( [parameter(Mandatory = $False, HelpMessage = "Name of computer or computers")] [string[]] $ComputerName = "", [parameter(Mandatory = $False, HelpMessage = "Path for storing report files")] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [string] $FilePath = "$($env:USERPROFILE)\Documents", [parameter(Mandatory = $False, HelpMessage = "Path for custom CSS stylesheet")] [string] $StyleSheet = "" ) $ModuleData = Get-Module FudgePop $ModuleVer = $ModuleData.Version -join '.' $ModulePath = $ModuleData.Path -replace 'FudgePop.psm1', '' Write-Host "FudgePop $ModuleVer -" -ForegroundColor Cyan $classes = [ordered]@{ ComputerSystem = ('Name', 'Manufacturer', 'Model', 'Domain', 'Description', 'TotalPhysicalMemory') OperatingSystem = ('Caption', 'CSDVersion', 'InstallDate', 'OSArchitecture', 'Organization') SystemEnclosure = ('SerialNumber', 'SMBIOSAssetTag') BIOS = ('BuildNumber', 'Manufacturer', 'Name', 'SystemBiosMajorVersion', 'SystemBiosMinorVersion') Processor = ('Manufacturer', 'Name', 'NumberOfCores', 'MaxClockSpeed') PhysicalMemory = ('BankLabel', 'Capacity', 'DataWidth', 'Description', 'DeviceLocator', 'FormFactor', 'Manufacturer', 'MemoryType') LogicalDisk = ('Name', 'DeviceID', 'FileSystem', 'VolumeName', 'VolumeSerialNumber', 'MediaType', 'Size', 'FreeSpace') Product = ('Vendor', 'Name', 'Version', 'PackageName', 'InstallDate2', 'InstallSource') } $totalnum = $classes.Count if ($StyleSheet -eq "") { $StyleSheet = "$ModulePath\assets\default.css" } foreach ($computer in $ComputerName) { if ($computer -eq "" -or $computer -eq $env:COMPUTERNAME) { $cname = $env:COMPUTERNAME $isLocal = $True } else { $cname = $computer $isLocal = $False } $fullpath = $FilePath + "\$cname`_inventory.htm" $html = "<h1>$cname</h1>`n" Write-Host "computer: $cname" -ForegroundColor Cyan if (!$isLocal) { Write-Verbose "$cname is remote" if (!(Test-Connection $cname -Count 1 -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Write-Warning "$cname is offline or not accessible" } } $current = 1 foreach ($className in $classes.keys) { $proplist = $classes.Item($className) $query = "SELECT $($proplist -join ',') FROM Win32_$className" Write-Verbose "query: $query" Write-Progress -Activity "Gathering Inventory: $cname" -Status "Querying: $className" -PercentComplete ($current / $totalnum * 100) if (!$isLocal) { Write-Verbose "remote computer: $cname" try { $inv += Get-WmiObject -Query $query -ComputerName $cname -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object $proplist | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment } catch { if ($_.Exception.Message -match 'access denied') { Write-Warning "$cname is not accessible" } else { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } $inv = "" } $section = '<h2>' + $className + '</h2>' + "`n" + $inv + "`n" } else { Write-Verbose "local computer: $cname" try { $inv += Get-WmiObject -Query $query -ErrorAction Stop | Select-Object $proplist | ConvertTo-Html -Fragment } catch { if ($_.Exception.Message -match 'access is denied') { Write-Warning "$cname is not accessible" } else { Write-Error $_.Exception.Message } $inv = "" } $section = '<h2>' + $className + '</h2>' + "`n" + $inv + "`n" } $html += $section $inv = "" $section = "" $current++ } # foreach $html += "`n<p class=`"footer`">Generated by FudgePop - - $(Get-Date)</p>" $html | ConvertTo-Html -CssUri $StyleSheet -Body $html -Title $cname | Out-File $fullpath Write-Host "file: $fullpath" -ForegroundColor Cyan } } |