
    Returns a Freshservice Time Entry for a Ticket, Problem, Change or Release.
    Returns a Freshservice Time Entry for a Ticket, Problem, Change or Release via REST API.
    Unique id of the Time Entry.
.PARAMETER parent_id
    Parent Id of the ticket, problem, change or release to create the time entry.
    Parent object type to create time entry. Time Entrys can be created on Ticket, Problem, Change, or Release.
.PARAMETER per_page
    Number of records to return per page during pagination. Maximum of 100 records.
    The page number to retrieve during pagination.
    Get-FreshServiceTimeEntry -parent_id 185 -type Ticket
    id : 21000167654
    created_at : 3/27/2023 3:09:37 PM
    updated_at : 3/27/2023 3:09:37 PM
    start_time : 3/27/2023 3:09:37 PM
    timer_running : False
    billable : True
    time_spent : 02:00
    executed_at : 3/27/2023 3:09:12 PM
    task_id :
    note : Worked on stuff
    agent_id : 21001931878
    custom_fields :
    Returns all Freshservice Time Entries on Ticket 185.
    Get-FreshServiceTimeEntry -parent_id 12 -type Problem
    id : 21000167668
    created_at : 3/27/2023 3:12:54 PM
    updated_at : 3/27/2023 3:12:54 PM
    start_time : 3/27/2023 3:12:54 PM
    timer_running : False
    billable : True
    time_spent : 05:00
    executed_at : 3/27/2023 3:12:00 PM
    task_id :
    note : Trying to find the bug in the software
    agent_id : 21001931878
    custom_fields :
    Returns all Freshservice Time Entries on Problem 12.
    Get-FreshServiceTimeEntry -parent_id 185 -type Ticket -id 21000167654
    id : 21000167654
    created_at : 3/27/2023 3:09:37 PM
    updated_at : 3/27/2023 3:09:37 PM
    start_time : 3/27/2023 3:09:37 PM
    timer_running : False
    billable : True
    time_spent : 02:00
    executed_at : 3/27/2023 3:09:12 PM
    task_id :
    note : Worked on stuff
    agent_id : 21001931878
    custom_fields :
    Returns a specific Freshservice Time Entry on a Ticket by Id.
    This module was developed and tested with Freshservice REST API v2.

function Get-FreshServiceTimeEntry {
    [CmdletBinding(DefaultParameterSetName = 'default')]
    param (
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'Unique id of the Time Entry.',
            ParameterSetName = 'id',
            Position = 2
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'Unique id of the parent Ticket, Problem, Change or Release.',
            ParameterSetName = 'default',
            Position = 1
            Mandatory = $true,
            HelpMessage = 'Unique id of the parent Ticket, Problem, Change or Release.',
            ParameterSetName = 'id',
            Position = 1
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Parent object type to create time entry (e.g. Ticket, Problem, Change, Release)',
            ParameterSetName = 'default',
            Position = 0
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Parent object type to create time entry (e.g. Ticket, Problem, Change, Release)',
            ParameterSetName = 'id',
            Position = 0
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Number of records per page returned during pagination. Default is 30. Max is 100.',
            ParameterSetName = 'default',
            Position = 2
        [int]$per_page = 100,
            Mandatory = $false,
            HelpMessage = 'Page number to begin record return.',
            ParameterSetName = 'default',
            Position = 3
        [int]$page = 1
    begin {

        $PrivateData  = $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Module.PrivateData

        if (!$PrivateData.FreshserviceBaseUri) {
            throw "No connection found! Setup a new Freshservice connection with New-FreshServiceConnection and then Connect-FreshService. Set a default connection with New-FreshServiceConnection or Set-FreshConnection to automatically connect when importing the module."

        $qry = [System.Web.HttpUtility]::ParseQueryString([String]::Empty)
        $uri = [System.UriBuilder]('{0}/{1}s/{2}/time_entries' -f $PrivateData['FreshserviceBaseUri'], $type.ToLower(),$parent_id)

        $enablePagination = $true

    process {

        if ($id) {
            $uri.Path = "{0}/{1}" -f $uri.Path, $id
            $enablePagination = $false

        try {

            if ($enablePagination) {
                $qry['page'] = $page
                $qry['per_page'] = $per_page

            $uri.Query = $qry.ToString()

            $uri = $uri.Uri.AbsoluteUri

            $results = do {

                $params = @{
                    Uri         = $uri
                    Method      = 'GET'
                    ErrorAction = 'Stop'

                $result = Invoke-FreshworksRestMethod @params

                if ($result.Content) {
                    $content = $result.Content |

                    #API returns singluar or plural property based on the number of records, parse to get property returned.
                    $objProperty = $content[0].PSObject.Properties.Name
                    Write-Verbose -Message ("Returning {0} property with count {1}" -f $objProperty, $content."$($objProperty)".Count)

                if ($result.Headers.Link) {
                    $uri = [regex]::Matches($result.Headers.Link,'<(?<Uri>.*)>')[0].Groups['Uri'].Value

            until (!$result.Headers.Link)

        catch {
            Throw $_

    end {

