.SYNOPSIS Helper function for agent roles for New-FreshServiceAgent. .DESCRIPTION Helper function for agent roles that generates a PSObject to be passed to -roles parameter for New-FreshServiceAgent. Each individual role is a hash in the roles array that contains the attributes. * role_id: Unique ID of the role assigned. * assignment_scope: The scope in which the agent can use the permissions granted by this role. Possible values include entire_helpdesk (all plans), member_groups (all plans; in the Pro and Enterprise plans, this also includes groups that the agent is an observer of), specified_groups (Pro and Enterprise only), and assigned_items (all plans). * groups: Unique IDs of Groups in which the permissions granted by the role applies. Mandatory only when the assignment_scope is specified_groups, and should be ignored otherwise. To get role_id, see Get-FreshServiceAgentRole To get group_id, see Get-FreshServiceAgentGroup .PARAMETER role_id Unique ID of the role assigned .PARAMETER assignment_scope The scope in which the agent can use the permissions granted by this role. Possible values include entire_helpdesk (all plans), member_groups (all plans; in the Pro and Enterprise plans, this also includes groups that the agent is an observer of), specified_groups (Pro and Enterprise only), and assigned_items (all plans). .PARAMETER groups Unique IDs of Groups in which the permissions granted by the role applies. Mandatory only when the assignment_scope is specified_groups, and should be ignored otherwise. .PARAMETER workspace_id Workspace ID to assign permissions. The attribute is applicable only for accounts with the Workspaces feature enabled. The default value is the ID of the primary workspace of the account. .EXAMPLE $newFreshServiceAgentRoleConfigSplat1 = @{ role_id = 21000150301 #IT Ops Agent - Get-FreshServiceAgentRole assignment_scope = 'specified_groups' groups = 21000188388,21000188389 #Incident Team and Major Incident Team- Get-FreshServiceAgentGroup } $newFreshServiceAgentRoleConfigSplat2 = @{ role_id = 21000150294 #SD Supervisor - Get-FreshServiceAgentRole assignment_scope = 'specified_groups' groups = 21000188403 #Helpdesk Monitoring Team - Get-FreshServiceAgentGroup } $agentRoles = foreach ($splat in @($newFreshServiceAgentRoleConfigSplat1, $newFreshServiceAgentRoleConfigSplat2)) { New-FreshServiceAgentRoleConfig @splat } $agentRoles role_id assignment_scope groups ------- ---------------- ------ 21000150301 specified_groups {21000188388, 21000188389} 21000150294 specified_groups {21000188403} Add multiple roles to an agent. First, add a role as IT Ops Agent for the Incident Team and Major Incident team as a specified group. Second add a role as SD Supervisor for the Helpdesk Monitoring Team. .NOTES This module was developed and tested with Freshservice REST API v2. #> function New-FreshServiceAgentRoleConfig { [OutputType('System.Object[]')] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true, ConfirmImpact='Medium')] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'The role id' )] [long]$role_id, [Parameter( Mandatory = $true, HelpMessage = 'The scope in which the agent can use the permissions granted by this role. Possible values include entire_helpdesk (all plans), member_groups (all plans; in the Pro and Enterprise plans, this also includes groups that the agent is an observer of), specified_groups (Pro and Enterprise only), and assigned_items (all plans)' )] [ValidateSet('entire_helpdesk','member_groups','specified_groups','assigned_items')] [string]$assignment_scope, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Unique IDs of Groups in which the permissions granted by the role applies. Mandatory only when the assignment_scope is specified_groups, and should be ignored otherwise.' )] [long[]]$groups, [Parameter( Mandatory = $false, HelpMessage = 'Workspace id is applicable only for accounts with Workspaces feature enabled.', ParameterSetName = 'default', Position = 0 )] [int]$workspace_id ) begin { } process { if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($role_id)) { $jsonBody = @{} $PSBoundParameters.keys.where{ $PSItem -notin $PrivateData.FreshserviceBodyExclusions }.foreach{ $jsonBody[$PSItem.ToLower()] = $PSBoundParameters[$PSItem] } [pscustomobject[]]$jsonBody } } end { } } |