.SYNOPSIS Test if a given Personal Access Token has access to a Azure DevOps Artifact Feed for a specific organisation. .DESCRIPTION Test if a given Personal Access Token has access to a Azure DevOps Artifact Feed for a specific organisation. Returns true when there is access to the supplied feed. Returns false if there is no access. When there is no access the error will be logged in a warning message. .EXAMPLE Test-FpsAzDoPatFeedAccess ` -PersonalAccessToken (Get-FpsAzDoPat -AzDoPatMethod 'CredentialManager' -CredentialName 'PowershellPATAzureDevOps') ` -AzDoFeedName 'fpstools' .EXAMPLE Test-FpsAzDoPatFeedAccess ` -PersonalAccessToken 'ff34885a8624460a8555y03w1shth12wa2va11d' ` -AzDoOrganisation 'Dummy BV' ` -AzDoProjectName 'ProjectName' ` -AzDoFeedName 'PowerShellModules' #> function Test-FpsAzDoPatFeedAccess { [cmdletbinding()] Param ( [parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $PersonalAccessToken, [string] $AzDoOrganisation = '4psnl', [string] $AzDoProjectName = '4PS Tools', [string] $AzDoFeedName = 'fpstools_internal' ) $azDoProjectsUri = '{0}/_apis/projects?api-version=5.1' -f $AzDoOrganisation $feedBaseUri = '{0}' -f $AzDoOrganisation $header = 'Basic {0}' -f [Convert]::ToBase64String([Text.Encoding]::ASCII.GetBytes((':{0}' -f $PersonalAccessToken))) $header = @{Authorization = $header } # Retreive the Azure DevOps Project ID corresponding with the supplied project name. Required for the feed webrequest. try { $projects = (Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $azDoProjectsUri -Method get -Headers $header).value | Select-Object -Property id, name } catch { Write-Warning ('Web request failed to following uri: {0}' -f $azDoProjectsUri) Write-Warning $Error[0] } $projectId = ($projects | Where-Object -Property name -eq $AzDoProjectName).id if([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($projectId)){ Write-Error ('Project ID for Azure DevOps project {0} could not be retreived with uri {1}' -f $AzDoProjectName, $azDoProjectsUri) return $false } $azDoFeedUri = '{0}/{1}/_apis/packaging/feeds?api-version=6.1-preview.1' -f $feedBaseUri, $projectId # Retreive available feeds from project try { $feeds = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri $azDoFeedUri -Method get -Headers $header } catch { Write-Warning ('Web request failed to following uri: {0}' -f $azDoFeedUri) Write-Warning $Error[0] } if ($feeds.count -gt 0) { 'One or more feeds found: {0}' -f ($ | Out-String) | Write-Host if ($AzDoFeedName -in ${ 'Access available to feed {0}' -f $AzDoFeedName | Write-Host return $true } } return $false } Export-ModuleMember -Function Test-FpsAzDoPatFeedAccess |