.SYNOPSIS Returns managable object(s) for all or the specified Business Central Server instance(s). .DESCRIPTION Use the Get-BCServerInstance cmdlet to obtain service details for all or the specified Business Central Server instances. When not a service instance is provided all instances of all versions for the specific machine are returned. With VersionFilter, StateFilter and ExcludeServerInstance the returned list can be filtered. .EXAMPLE # Get managable objects for each local installed BC server instances Get-BCServerInstance .EXAMPLE # Get managable objects for each BC server instances from the remote computer. # Remote PowerShell should be enabled on the target computer. Get-BCServerInstance -Computer '' # Multiple remote computers can be specified Get-BCServerInstance -Computer @('DevSrv01', 'DevSrv02', 'DevSrv03') .EXAMPLE # Get a managable object for the BC server instanced named 'BC210'. Get-BCServerInstance -ServiceInstance 'BC210' .EXAMPLE # Get all the server instances that match a certain filter condition. # Get all ServerInstances that are stopped Get-BCServerInstance -StateFilter Stopped | Format-Table # Get all ServerInstances that start automatically on server startup Get-BCServerInstance -StartModeFilter Auto | Format-Table # Get all Business Central 21 ServerInstances, except ServerInstance BC210 Get-BCServerInstance -VersionFilter '21' -ExcludeServerInstance 'BC210' # Combine filters to narrow result. Get all BC services that: # - Start automatically on server startup # - Are currently stopped # - Are on the BC21 platform # - ServerInstance name is not BC210. Get-BCServerInstance -StateFilter Stopped -StartModeFilter Auto -VersionFilter '21' -ExcludeServerInstance 'BC210' .EXAMPLE # Example managing the application settings # Get the managable object for BC server instance BC210 $ServerInstance = Get-BCServerInstance -ServiceInstance 'BC210' # Print the application configuration to host $ServerInstance.AppSettings # Search for keys in the app settings $ServerInstance.AppSettings.Search('ServicesEnabled') $ServerInstance.AppSettings.Search('ServicesPort') # Get the Microsoft help text for a specific key ServerInstance.AppSettings.Help('SqlLockTimeoutOverride') # Update a key to a new value. The new value is saved to the config file automatically. $ServerInstance.AppSettings.DatabaseName = 'CRONUS' $ServerInstance.AppSettings.DeveloperServicesEnabled = 'true' #> function Get-BCServerInstance { Param ( # The name of the BC Server instance. E.g. 'BC210' # Multiple server instances can be specified. E.g. @('bc190', 'bc200'). # Supports wildcards. E.g. 'BC*' would returns both BC200 and BC210 instances. [Parameter( Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline=$true, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string[]] $ServerInstance, # Applies a filter on the version number of the BC server instances. # E.g. '21' to return only the server instances on BC 2022 Wave 2 (BC21). [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string] $VersionFilter, # Applies a filter on the current state of the BC service. # E.g. 'Running' will return all BC server instances that are currently running. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [ValidateSet("Running", "Stopped", "Starting", "Stopping", "All")] [string] $StateFilter = "All", # Applies a filter on the Windows Service start-up mode of the BC server instance. # E.g. 'Auto' will return all the server instances that automatically start up on server startup. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [ValidateSet("Auto", "Manual", "Disabled", "All")] [string] $StartModeFilter = 'All', # Applies a filter on BC server instance name to exclude server instance(s) from the result. # E.g. 'BC210' will exclude the BC service 'BC210' from the returned BC server instances. # E.g. @('BC210', 'BC200') will exclude both services. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true)] [string[]] $ExcludeServerInstance, # The targeted computers to retrieve the BC server instance(s) from. # E.g. '' will retrieve all server instances from the specified computer. # Multiple computers can be specified. E.g. @('DevSrv01', 'DevSrv02'). # Note that remote PowerShell should be enabled on the targeted computer. [Parameter(ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName = $true, Position = 1)] [string[]] $Computer = $env:COMPUTERNAME ) begin { $results = @() for ($i = 0; $i -lt $ServerInstance.Count; $i++) { if($ServerInstance[$i] -like 'MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer$*'){ $ServerInstance[$i] = $ServerInstance[$i].Split('$')[1] } } [scriptblock] $ScriptBlock = { param( $ServerInstance, $VersionFilter, $StateFilter, $StartModeFilter, $ExcludeServerInstance ) function Get-ServiceVersion { param( [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline=$true, Mandatory=$true)] [CimInstance] $Service ) $Regex = '"?(?<ServicePath>.*\.exe)"?.*' $Match = $Service.PathName | Select-String -Pattern $Regex $ExecutablePath = $Match.Matches[0].Groups['ServicePath'].Value if((Test-Path $ExecutablePath)){ [version] $ExecutableVersion = (Get-Item $ExecutablePath).VersionInfo.FileVersion } else { Write-Warning ('The Business Central installation is not found for Server Instance ''{0}'' on location: {1}' -f ($Service.Name.Split('$'))[1], $ExecutablePath) return [version] '' } return $ExecutableVersion } $results = @() # Get Business Central Service Instances $bcServices = @() if($ServerInstance){ foreach ($instance in $ServerInstance){ $bcServices += Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_service | Where-Object Name -like ('MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer`${0}' -f $instance) } } else{ $bcServices += Get-CimInstance -ClassName win32_service | Where-Object Name -like 'MicrosoftDynamicsNavServer*' } # Remove duplicated (can occure when wild cards are used in param $ServerInstance) $bcServices = $bcServices | Select-Object -Unique # Apply Exclude filter if($ExcludeServerInstance){ $bcServices = $bcServices | ForEach-Object { if($_.Name -notin $ExcludeServerInstance -and $_.Name.Split('$')[1] -notin $ExcludeServerInstance){ $_ } } } # Apply version filter if($VersionFilter){ $bcServices = $bcServices | ForEach-Object { $ServiceVersion = ($_ | Get-ServiceVersion).ToString() if($ServiceVersion -like ('{0}*' -f $VersionFilter)){ $_ } } } # Apply start-up type filter if($StartModeFilter -and $StartModeFilter -ne 'All'){ $bcServices = $bcServices | ForEach-Object { if($_.StartMode -eq $StartModeFilter){ $_ } } } # Apply State filter if($StateFilter -and $StateFilter -ne 'All'){ $bcServices = $bcServices | ForEach-Object { if($_.State -eq $StateFilter){ $_ } } } if($bcServices.count -eq 0){ 'No Server Instance found. Make sure the Server Instance exists and is not exluded with the set filters.' | Write-Warning return } foreach ($service in $BcServices){ $results += @{ 'Service' = $service.Name 'Computer' = $env:COMPUTERNAME } } return $results } } process { foreach ($server in $Computer){ # Do not add the computerName parameter if the host and target machine are the same. # This removes the requirement to have remote PowerShell enabled. $additionParams = @{} if ($server -ne 'localhost' -and $server -ne $env:COMPUTERNAME) { $additionParams = @{'ComputerName' = $server} } $result = Invoke-Command @additionParams -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList ` $ServerInstance, $VersionFilter, $StateFilter, $StartModeFilter, $ExcludeServerInstance $result | ForEach-Object { $results += [BcServerInstance]::new($_.Service, $_.Computer, $PSVersionTable.PsVersion) } } } end { return $results } } Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-BCServerInstance |