
    Scans host system on installed NAV components, installation location and installation details
    Scans host system on installed NAV components, installation location and installation details
    The Bc Version, example: 'bc21', 'nav2017', 'bc17', 'nav2013 R2'
    $NavComponents = Get-NavComponents -BcVersion "nav2017"
    $NavComponents = Get-NavComponents -BcVersion "nav2013 R2"

function Get-BcComponent
        $Computer = $env:COMPUTERNAME

    # Validate BC Version and get BC version folder
    $BcVersion = Get-BcVersion -BcVersion $BcVersion

    $scriptBlock = [scriptblock] {

        # Helper functions
        function Get-NavComponentsFromWinReg

            # Create an instance of the Registry Object and open the HKLM base key
            $Reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine',$($env:computername))

            $Architectures = @("32", "64")

            foreach ($Architecture in $Architectures) {

                if ($Architecture -eq "32") {
                    # Reg locations of currently Installed 32bit or 32/64bit programs
                    $UninstallKey = "SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall"
                if ($Architecture -eq "64") {
                    # Reg locations of currently Installed 64bit programs
                    $UninstallKey = "SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall"

                # Drill down into the Uninstall key for the corresponding architecture using the OpenSubKey Method
                $Regkey = $Reg.OpenSubKey($UninstallKey)

                Write-Verbose "Reg path for $Architecture bit: $UninstallKey"

                # Retrieve an array of string that contain all the subkey names from the Uninstall registery tree
                $subkeys = $Regkey.GetSubKeyNames()

                # Open each Subkey to check if it's a NAV component
                foreach ($key in $subkeys) {

                    $thisKey = $UninstallKey + "\\" + $key

                    # Open the subkey
                    $thisSubKey = $Reg.OpenSubKey($thisKey)

                    # If the regkey doesn't contain a NAV component: continue
                    if (-not $thisSubKey.GetValue("DisplayName") -or 
                        $thisSubKey.GetValue("DisplayName") -notin $NavComponents.Displayname) {

                    # Match the regkey with the correct NAV components and add the information from the regkey to the nav component array
                    foreach ($Component in $NavComponents) {
                        if ($Component.Displayname -ne $thisSubKey.GetValue("DisplayName")) {

                        # If the display name matches, check if the major version of the product correspond.
                        # Unlike NAV the Business Central releases do not have an unique identifiers in the displayname.
                        if ($thisSubKey.GetValue("DisplayVersion") -notlike ('{0}*' -f $BcVersion.VersionFolder.Substring(0,2))) {

                        $Component.DisplayVersion = $($thisSubKey.GetValue("DisplayVersion"))
                        $Component.InstallLocation = $($thisSubKey.GetValue("InstallLocation"))
                        $Component.InstallSource = $($thisSubKey.GetValue("InstallSource"))
                        $Component.RegKey = $thisKey
                        $Component.Bit = $Architecture

                        # Validate the found component path
                        if ($Component.InstallLocation) {
                            if (Test-Path -Path $Component.InstallLocation) {
                                $Component.IsInstalled = $True

                                Write-Verbose ""
                                Write-Verbose "$($Component.Displayname) found"
                                Write-Verbose "File location: $($Component.InstallLocation)" 
                                Write-Verbose "Register location: $($Component.RegKey)"

                            } # End if

                        } # End if

                        Write-Verbose ""
                        Write-Verbose "$($Component.Displayname) found"
                        Write-Verbose "Register location: $($Component.RegKey)"

                    } # End foreach component

                } # End foreach subkey

            } # End foreach architecture


            return $NavComponents

        } # End function Get-NavComponentsFromWinReg

        function Get-NavComponentPaths {    

            foreach ($Component in $NavComponents) {
                if ($Component.Component -eq "ADCS") {
                    $RegPath = 'SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Microsoft\\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\\{0}\\Automated Data Capture System' -f $BCVersion.VersionFolder

                if ($Component.Component -eq "HelpServer") {
                    $RegPath = 'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\\{0}\\DynamicsNAV{0}Help' -f $BCVersion.VersionFolder

                if ($Component.Component -eq "NST") {
                    $RegPath = 'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\\{0}\\Service' -f $BCVersion.VersionFolder

                if ($Component.Component -eq "OUTLOOK") {
                    $RegPath = 'SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Microsoft\\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\\{0}\\OutlookAddin' -f $BCVersion.VersionFolder

                if ($Component.Component -eq "RTC") {
                    $RegPath = 'SOFTWARE\\WOW6432Node\\Microsoft\\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\\{0}\\RoleTailored Client' -f $BCVersion.VersionFolder

                if ($Component.Component -eq "WEB CLIENT") {
                    $RegPath = 'SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Microsoft Dynamics NAV\\{0}\\Web Client' -f $BCVersion.VersionFolder

                $ComponentPath = Get-NavComponentPath ($RegPath)

                if ($ComponentPath) {
                    $Component.IsInstalled = $True
                    $Component.InstallLocation = $ComponentPath

                    Clear-Variable RegPath
                Clear-Variable ComponentPath

            return $NavComponents

        } # End function GetNavComponentPaths

        function Get-NavComponentPath ($RegPath) {
            # Create an instance of the Registry Object and open the HKLM base key
            $Reg = [Microsoft.Win32.RegistryKey]::OpenRemoteBaseKey('LocalMachine',$($env:computername))

            $RegKey = $Reg.OpenSubKey($RegPath)
            if ($RegKey) {
                if ($RegKey.GetValue("Path")) {
                    if (Test-Path -Path ($RegKey.GetValue("Path"))) {
                        $ComponentPath = $RegKey.GetValue("Path")
                        return $ComponentPath
            $ComponentPath = $False
            return $ComponentPath

        } # End function GetNavComponentPath
        # End Helper functions

        # Excluded: BPA, TestToolKit, UpgradeToolKit, WindowsPowerShellScripts
        $properties = @{
            'Component'       = ''
            'DisplayName'     = ''
            'IsInstalled'     = $false
            'InstallLocation' = ''
            'DisplayVersion'  = ''
            'InstallSource'   = ''
            'Bit'             = ''
            'RegKey'          = ''

        $components = [ordered] @{
            'ADCS'       = 'Microsoft Dynamics NAV Automated Data Capture System'
            'HelpServer' = 'Microsoft Dynamics NAV {0} Help'                -f $BcVersion.VersionNumber
            'NST'        = 'Microsoft Dynamics NAV {0} Server'              -f $BcVersion.VersionNumber
            'OUTLOOK'    = 'Microsoft Dynamics NAV {0} Outlook Add-in'      -f $BcVersion.VersionNumber
            'RTC'        = 'Microsoft Dynamics NAV {0} RoleTailored Client' -f $BcVersion.VersionNumber
            'WEB CLIENT' = 'Microsoft Dynamics NAV {0} Web Client'          -f $BcVersion.VersionNumber

        if($BcVersion.ProductAbb -eq 'BC'){
            $components = [ordered] @{
                'ADCS'       = 'Microsoft Dynamics NAV Automated Data Capture System'
                'HelpServer' = 'Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Help'
                'NST'        = 'Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Server'
                'OUTLOOK'    = 'Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Outlook Add-in'
                'RTC'        = 'Microsoft Dynamics NAV RoleTailored Client'
                'WEB CLIENT' = 'Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Web Client'

        $NavComponents = @()
        foreach($key in $components.Keys){
            $component = New-Object psobject -Property $properties
            $component.Component = $key
            $component.DisplayName = $components.$key
            $NavComponents += $component

        $NavComponents = Get-NavComponentsFromWinReg -NavComponents $NavComponents -BcVersion $BcVersion
        $NavComponents = Get-NavComponentPaths -NavComponents $NavComponents -BcVersion $BcVersion

        return $NavComponents
    } # End Scriptblock

    # Do not add the computerName parameter if the host and target machine are the same.
    # This removes the requirement to have remote PowerShell enabled.
    $additionParams = @{}
    if ($Computer -ne 'localhost' -and $Computer -ne $env:COMPUTERNAME) {
        $additionParams = @{'ComputerName' = $Computer}
    $result = Invoke-Command @additionParams -ScriptBlock $scriptBlock -ArgumentList $BcVersion
    return $result

Export-ModuleMember -Function Get-BcComponent