
# This script installs a certificate, inherits permissions from the previous certificate,
# and reconfigures Business Central ServerInstances and IIS Websites where the last certificate is used.

# Import Module
Install-Module FpsBcDeployment -Force
Import-Module FpsBcDeployment -Force

# Parameters
$CertFilePath = ''              # E.g. 'C:\4PS Install\[certificate].pfx'
$CertPassword = ''              # Plain-text password (not recommended to save to disk)
$CertToReplaceThumbprint = ''   # E.g. '008CEE1FEA5RANDOM2AF4F603EBPRINTBB0341D1'
$CertStorePath = 'cert:\LocalMachine\My'
$CertSubjectFilter = '*myBcCertificate*'

# Get current deployed certificates
Get-FpsCertificate -CertStorePath $CertStorePath -SubjectFilter $CertSubjectFilter

# Update the certificate in Microsoft Certificate Store and update the thumbprints on BC ServerInstances + IIS Web Site Bindings.
$arguments = @{
    'CertFilePath'              = $CertFilePath
    'CertPassword'              = $CertPassword | ConvertTo-SecureString -AsPlainText -Force
    'CertToReplaceThumbprint'   = $CertToReplaceThumbprint
    'CertStorePath'             = $CertStorePath
    'RemovePreviousCert'        = $false
    'AutoRestartServices'       = $true

Update-FpsCertificate @arguments