.SYNOPSIS Creates a runtime package of a published app. .DESCRIPTION Creates a runtime package of a published app. .EXAMPLE $Apps | ForEach-Object { New-BcRuntimePackage ` -ServerInstance 'ServerInstance' ` -VersionManagementCodeunit '11012623' ` -ShowMyCode $True ` -RuntimePackagePath 'D:\Spring99NL candidate runtime\Extensions' ` -Name $_.Name ` -Version $_.Version ` -Publisher $_.Publisher } .PARAMETER ServerInstance The Name of the server instance where the app is published. .PARAMETER VersionManagementCodeunit The id of the codeunit which has a function to get the release code of 4PS Construct. .PARAMETER Publisher The Publisher of the app. .PARAMETER Name The Name of the app. .PARAMETER Version The Version of the app. .PARAMETER ShowMyCode Determines if code could be seen from the app file (debugging alowed). .PARAMETER RuntimePackagePath The path where the new app file is created (directory). #> function New-BcRuntimePackage { Param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $ServerInstance, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [int] $VersionManagementCodeunit, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Publisher, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Name, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $Version, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [bool] $ShowMyCode, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [string] $RuntimePackagePath, [string] $Tenant = 'default' ) Process { Invoke-NAVCodeunit ` -ServerInstance $ServerInstance ` -Tenant $Tenant ` -CodeunitId $VersionManagementCodeunit ` -MethodName ReleaseMessage ` -WarningVariable Release ` -WarningAction Ignore $RuntimePackageName = "{0}_{1}_{2}_{3}" -f ` $Publisher, ` $Name, ` (Get-LastLineFromArray -TextVariable $Release), ` $Version $RuntimePackagePath = Join-Path $RuntimePackagePath -ChildPath $RuntimePackageName Get-NAVAppRuntimePackage ` -ServerInstance $ServerInstance ` -Tenant $Tenant ` -Name $Name ` -Version $Version ` -Path $RuntimePackagePath ` -ShowMyCode $ShowMyCode } } Export-ModuleMember -Function New-BcRuntimePackage |