
function Register-FMExchangeSchema {
        Registers an exchange version to apply to the forest's schema and configuration.
        Registers an exchange version to apply to the forest's schema and configuration.
        Updating both requires both Schema Admin and Enterprise Admin permissions.
        Domain-Level changes to Exchange are handled by the DomainManagement module.
    .PARAMETER LocalImagePath
        The path where to find the Exchange ISO file
        Must be local on the remote server connected to!
        Updating the Exchange AD settings is only supported when executed through the installer contained in that ISO file without exceptions.
    .PARAMETER ExchangeVersion
        The version of the Exchange server to apply.
        E.g. 2016CU6
        We map Exchange versions to their respective identifiers in AD:
        RangeUpper in schema and ObjectVersion in configuration.
        This parameter is to help avoiding to have to look up those values.
        If your version is not supported by us yet, look up those numbers and explicitly bind it to -RangeUpper and -ObjectVersion isntead.
    .PARAMETER RangeUpper
        The explicit RangeUpper schema attribute property, found on the ms-Exch-Schema-Version-Pt class in schema.
    .PARAMETER ObjectVersion
        The object version on the msExchOrganizationContainer type object in the configuration.
        Do NOT confuse that with the ObjectVersion of the exchange object in the default Naming Context (regular domain space).
    .PARAMETER OrganizationName
        The name of the Exchange Organization.
        Only used for CREATING a new Exchange deployment.
        Make sure to customize this if you are picky about names like that.
    .PARAMETER SchemaOnly
        Whether to only apply the schema updates.
        Enabling this will mean no configuration scope changes are applied and the root domain also will not be pre-configured for Exchange.
    .PARAMETER SplitPermission
        Whether the exchange installation should implement Active Directory Split Permissions.
        With Split Permissions, Exchange Administrators will be less able to affect Active Directory.
        This provides more security, but imposes more administrative effort.
        For more details on Split Permissions, see this documentation:
    .PARAMETER AllDomains
        Whether the domain content changes to the root domain should be applied to ALL domains.
        Only applies to the SplitPermission change.
    .PARAMETER ContextName
        The name of the context defining the setting.
        This allows determining the configuration set that provided this setting.
        Used by the ADMF, available to any other configuration management solution.
        PS C:\> Register-FMExchangeSchema -LocalImagePath 'C:\ISO\exchange-2019-cu6.iso' -ExchangeVersion '2019CU6'
        Registers the Exchange 2019 CU6 exchange version as exchange forest settings to be applied.

    param (
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Version')]
        [PsfValidateSet(TabCompletion = 'ForestManagement.ExchangeVersion')]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = 'Details')]
        [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Details')]
        $OrganizationName = 'Exchange Organization',

        $SplitPermission = $false,

        $ContextName = '<Undefined>'
    process {
        $object = [pscustomobject]@{
            PSTypeName       = 'ForestManagement.Configuration.ExchangeSchema'
            RangeUpper       = $RangeUpper
            ObjectVersion    = $ObjectVersion
            LocalImagePath   = $LocalImagePath
            ExchangeVersion  = (Get-AdcExchangeVersion | Where-Object RangeUpper -EQ $RangeUpper | Where-Object ObjectVersionConfig -EQ $ObjectVersion | Sort-Object Name | Select-Object -Last 1).Name
            OrganizationName = $OrganizationName
            SchemaOnly       = $SchemaOnly.ToBool()
            SplitPermission  = $SplitPermission
            AllDomains       = $AllDomains
            ContextName      = $ContextName
        if ($ExchangeVersion) {
            # Will always succeede, since the input validation prevents invalid exchange versions
            $exchangeVersionInfo = Get-AdcExchangeVersion -Binding $ExchangeVersion
            $object.RangeUpper = $exchangeVersionInfo.RangeUpper
            $object.ObjectVersion = $exchangeVersionInfo.ObjectVersionConfig
            $object.ExchangeVersion = $exchangeVersionInfo.Name
        Add-Member -InputObject $object -MemberType ScriptMethod -Name ToString -Value {
            if ($this.ExchangeVersion) { $this.ExchangeVersion }
            else { '{0} : {1}' -f $this.RangeUpper, $this.ObjectVersion }
        } -Force
        $script:exchangeschema = @($object)