
function Resolve-SchemaAttribute {
        Combines configuration and adobject into an attributes hashtable.
        Combines configuration and adobject into an attributes hashtable.
        This is a helper function that allows to simplify the code used to create and update schema attributes.
    .PARAMETER Configuration
        The configuration object containing the desired schema attribute name.
        The ADObject - if present - containing the current schema attribute configuration.
        Specifying this will cause it to return a delta hashtable useful for updating attributes.
    .PARAMETER Changes
        Changes to be applied to an existing attribute.
        PS C:\> Resolve-SchemaAttribute -Configuration $testItem.Configuration
        Returns the attributes hashtable for a new schema attribute.
        PS C:\> Resolve-SchemaAttribute -Configuration $testItem.Configuration -ADObject $testItem.ADObject
        Returns the attributes hashtable for attributes to update.

    param (


    begin {
        function Convert-AttributeName {
            param (
                [Parameter(ValueFromPipeline = $true)]

            process {
                foreach ($entry in $Name) {
                    if ($null -eq $entry) { continue }

                    switch ($entry) {
                        SingleValued { 'isSingleValued' }
                        OID { 'attributeID' }
                        PartialAttributeSet { 'isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet' }
                        AdvancedView { 'showInAdvancedViewOnly' }
                        default { $_ }
    process {
        #region Build out basic attribute hashtable
        $attributes = @{
            adminDisplayName              = $Configuration.AdminDisplayName
            lDAPDisplayName               = $Configuration.LdapDisplayName
            attributeId                   = $Configuration.OID
            oMSyntax                      = $Configuration.OMSyntax
            attributeSyntax               = $Configuration.AttributeSyntax
            isSingleValued                = ($Configuration.SingleValued -as [bool])
            adminDescription              = $Configuration.AdminDescription
            searchflags                   = $Configuration.SearchFlags
            isMemberOfPartialAttributeSet = $Configuration.PartialAttributeSet
            showInAdvancedViewOnly        = $Configuration.AdvancedView
        #endregion Build out basic attribute hashtable

        #region Case: New Attribute
        if (-not $ADObject) {
            $badProperties = foreach ($pair in $attributes.GetEnumerator()) {
                if ($null -eq $pair.Value) { $pair.Key }
            if ($null -eq $Configuration.SingleValued) { $badProperties = @($badProperties) + @('SingleValued') }
            if ($badProperties) {
                throw "Cannot create new attribute $($Configuration.AdminDisplayName), missing attributes: $($badProperties -join ',')"

            return $attributes
        #endregion Case: New Attribute

        #region Case: Update Settings
        $updates = @{ }
        foreach ($change in $Changes) {
            if ($change.Property -in 'ObjectClass','MayContain','MustContain') { continue }
            $updates[($change.Property | Convert-AttributeName)] = $change.New
        $systemOnly = @(

        foreach ($attributeName in ($updates.Keys | Write-Output)) {
            if ($systemOnly -contains $attributeName) {
                Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -String 'Resolve-SchemaAttribute.Update.SystemOnlyError' -StringValues $attributeName, $attributes.$attributeName, $ADObject
        #endregion Case: Update Settings