
function Test-FMSchemaLdif
        Tests whether the configured ldif-file-based schema extension has been applied.
        Tests whether the configured ldif-file-based schema extension has been applied.
    .PARAMETER Server
        The server / domain to work with.
    .PARAMETER Credential
        The credentials to use for this operation.
    .PARAMETER EnableException
        This parameters disables user-friendly warnings and enables the throwing of exceptions.
        This is less user friendly, but allows catching exceptions in calling scripts.
        PS C:\> Test-FMSchemaLdif
        Checks the current forest against all configured schema extension files

    Param (


        $parameters = $PSBoundParameters | ConvertTo-PSFHashtable -Include Server, Credential
        $parameters['Debug'] = $false
        Assert-ADConnection @parameters -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet
        Invoke-Callback @parameters -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet
        Assert-Configuration -Type SchemaLdif -Cmdlet $PSCmdlet
        Set-FMDomainContext @parameters
        try {
            $rootDSE = Get-ADRootDSE @parameters -ErrorAction Stop
            $forest = Get-ADForest @parameters -ErrorAction Stop
        catch {
            Stop-PSFFunction -String 'Test-FMSchemaLdif.Connect.Failed' -StringValues $Server -ErrorRecord $_ -EnableException $EnableException -Exception $_.Exception.GetBaseException()
        $parameters["Server"] = $forest.SchemaMaster
        $ldifMapping = ConvertTo-SchemaLdifPhase -LdifData (Get-FMSchemaLdif)
        $ldifSorted = Get-FMSchemaLdif | Sort-Object Weight
        $changes = @{ }
        $missingEntities = @()

        foreach ($ldifFile in $ldifSorted) {
            $changes[$ldifFile.Name] = @()

        foreach ($distinguishedName in $ldifMapping.Keys) {
            $hasDefinedState = $ldifMapping[$distinguishedName].Values.State.Count -gt 0
            $attributeName = '{0},{1}' -f $distinguishedName, $rootDSE.schemaNamingContext

            #region Retrieve AD Object ($adObject)
            try { $adObject = Get-ADObject @parameters -Identity $attributeName -ErrorAction Stop -Properties * }
            catch {
                if ($hasDefinedState) {
                    foreach ($file in $ldifMapping[$distinguishedName].Keys) {
                        $changes[$file] += [PSCustomObject]@{
                                DN = $distinguishedName
                                Property = '<FailsToExist>'
                                File = $file
                                Setting = $ldifMapping[$distinguishedName][$file]
                                ADObject = $null
                                ValueS = $null
                                ValueA = $null
                else {
                    if ($distinguishedName -notin ($ldifSorted.MissingObjectExemption | Write-Output)) {
                        Write-PSFMessage -Level Warning -String 'Test-FMSchemaLdif.Missing.SchemaItem' -StringValues $attributeName -Tag 'panic'
                        $missingEntities += $attributeName
            #endregion Retrieve AD Object ($adObject)

            #region Compare configured with real state ($offStateLdifName)
            $offStateLdif = foreach ($ldifFile in $ldifSorted) {
                # Skip files that do not yet contain the taret object
                if (-not $ldifMapping[$distinguishedName][$ldifFile.Name]) { continue }

                $definedState = $ldifMapping[$distinguishedName][$ldifFile.Name]
                if ($definedState.State.Count -gt 0) {
                    foreach ($propertyName in $definedState.State.Keys) {
                        if (Compare-SchemaProperty -Setting $definedState.State -ADObject $adObject -PropertyName $propertyName -RootDSE $rootDSE) {
                                DN = $distinguishedName
                                Property = $propertyName
                                File = $ldifFile.Name
                                Setting = $definedState
                                ADObject = $adObject
                                ValueS = $definedState.State.$propertyName
                                ValueA = $adObject.$propertyName
                else {
                    foreach ($propertyName in $definedState.Add.Keys) {
                        if (Compare-SchemaProperty -Setting $definedState.Add -ADObject $adObject -PropertyName $propertyName -RootDSE $rootDSE -Add) {
                                DN = $distinguishedName
                                Property = $propertyName
                                File = $ldifFile.Name
                                Setting = $definedState
                                ADObject = $adObject
                                ValueS = $definedState.Add.$propertyName
                                ValueA = $adObject.$propertyName
                    foreach ($propertyName in $definedState.Replace.Keys) {
                        if (Compare-SchemaProperty -Setting $definedState.Replace -ADObject $adObject -PropertyName $propertyName -RootDSE $rootDSE) {
                                DN = $distinguishedName
                                Property = $propertyName
                                File = $ldifFile.Name
                                Setting = $definedState
                                ADObject = $adObject
                                ValueS = $definedState.Replace.$propertyName
                                ValueA = $adObject.$propertyName
            #endregion Compare configured with real state ($offStateLdifName)

            $applicableLdif = $ldifSorted | Where-Object Name -in $ldifMapping[$distinguishedName].Keys
            $lastAppliedItem = $applicableLdif |
                Where-Object Name -notin $offStateLdif.File |
                    Sort-Object Weight -Descending |
                        Select-Object -First 1
            foreach ($ldifFile in $applicableLdif) {
                if ($ldifFile.Weight -lt $lastAppliedItem.Weight) { continue }
                if ($lastAppliedItem.Name -eq $ldifFile.Name) { continue }
                foreach ($entry in $offStateLdif) {
                    if ($entry.File -ne $ldifFile.Name) { continue }
                    $changes[$ldifFile.Name] += $entry
        $ldifResult = foreach ($schemaName in $changes.Keys) {
            if (-not $changes[$schemaName]) { continue }

                PSTypeName = 'ForestManagement.SchemaLdif.TestResult'
                Type = 'InEqual'
                ObjectType = 'SchemaLdif'
                Identity = $schemaName
                Changed = $changes[$schemaName]
                Server = $forest.SchemaMaster
                DeltaCount = $changes[$schemaName].Count
                ADObject = $null
                Configuration = ($ldifSorted | Where-Object Name -eq $schemaName)
        $ldifResult | Sort-Object { $_.Configuration.Weight }