
function Convert-FromCurl {
    A short one-line action-based description, e.g. 'Tests if a function is valid'
    A longer description of the function, its purpose, common use cases, etc.
    Information or caveats about the function e.g. 'This function is not supported in Linux'
    Specify a URI to a help page, this will show when Get-Help -Online is used.
    $CurlString =@"
curl "" -H "Authorization: Token 9944bb9966cc22cc9418ad846dd0e4bbdfc6ee4b"
Convert-FromCurl -CurlString $CurlString
Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri 'https://localhost:8080/confluence/rest/api/content' -Verbose:$false -Headers @{
    'Content-Type' = 'application/json'
} -Body '{ "type":"page" ,"title":"A Test Page" , "space":{ "key":"SPACE" } , "ancestors" : [ { "id": "115328548" } ] ,"body":{ "storage":{ "value":"<h1>Child Macro Test</h1><p>Foo Bar Blah</p><p> <ac:structured-macro ac:name="children"> <ac:parameter ac:name="reverse">true</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="sort">creation</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="style">h4</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="page"> <ac:link> <ri:page ri:content-title="Home"/> </ac:link> </ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="excerpt">none</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="first">99</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="depth">2</ac:parameter> <ac:parameter ac:name="all">true</ac:parameter> </ac:structured-macro> </p>","representation":"storage"}}}'

    if (-not $(Get-Module Curl2PS)) {
        Import-Module Curl2PS

    <# #>
    ConvertTo-IRM $CurlString -CommandAsString
function convert-DataRowToHashTable {
       Returns a hash table for data set passed in. This is used to pivot a data set.


    process {
        $Columns = $DataRow | Get-Member | Where-Object { $_.MemberType -in ('Property', 'NoteProperty') } | Select-Object Name | Sort-Object Name
        $HashTable = [ordered]@{}
        foreach ($Column in $Columns) {
            $HashTable.Add($Column.Name, $($DataRow.$($Column.Name)) )
function Get-FireboardAPIKey {
       Gets the api key for your account

    $Cred = Get-Credential -Message 'Enter your credentials' -Title ' Credentials'

    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -Uri '' -Verbose:$false -Headers @{
        'Content-Type' = 'application/json'
    } -Body "{`"username`":`"$($Cred.UserName)`",`"password`":`"$($Cred.Password)`"}"
function get-FireboardSession {

    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$($SessionID).json" -Verbose:$false -Headers @{
        'Authorization' = "Token $($APIKey)"

function get-FireboardSessionTimeSeries {
       Returns a time series data set for a given session


        , [Parameter(Mandatory)]

    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$($SessionID)/chart.json" -Verbose:$false -Headers @{
        'Authorization' = "Token $($APIKey)"

function get-FireboardList {
       Base function to return sets of records from


        , [Parameter(Mandatory)]

    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$($ListType).json" -Verbose:$false -Headers @{
        'Authorization' = "Token $($APIKey)"

function Get-FireboardDevice {
       Returns details for a given device associated with your account


    get-FireboardList -APIKey $APIKey -ListType 'devices'
function get-FireboardSessionList {
       Returns a list of all sessions associated with your account


    get-FireboardList -APIKey $APIKey -ListType 'sessions'
function get-FireboardRequest {
       Base function to query for a given device and request type



    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$($DeviceId)/$($RequestType)" -Verbose:$false -Headers @{
        'Authorization' = "Token $($APIKey)"

function get-FireboardTemp {
       Gets current temperature for a given device. Device must be turned on and connected to the internet.

    get-fireboardrequest -APIKey $APIKey -DeviceId $DeviceId -RequestType 'temps'
function get-FireboardDeviceInfo {
       Returns device information for a given deviceid



    $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Method Get -Uri "$($DeviceId)" -Verbose:$false -Headers @{
        'Authorization' = "Token $($APIKey)"

function ConvertFrom-UnixTime {
       inline function to convert unix time to datetime


        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
    process {
    $epoch = New-Object System.DateTime 1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0
    [datetime] $epoch.AddSeconds($UnixTime)
function ConvertTo-LocalTime {
    inline function to convert utc datetime to local datetime

        [Parameter(Mandatory, ValueFromPipeline = $true)]
function add-HashTable {
       Combines 2 hash tables into a single hash table


    $Hash1.GetEnumerator() | ForEach-Object {
        $Hash2.Add($_.Key, $_.Value)