# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # Licensed under the MIT License. # culture="en-US" ConvertFrom-StringData -StringData @' Common_ContextNotFound = Could not retrieve Az context. Run Az-Login. Common_ErrorResponse = {0} (Code: {1}). CostExport_Common_NotFoundFormat = Cost Management export '{0}' not found. Export ID: {1}/providers/Microsoft.CostManagement/exports/{0}. CostExport_Remove_DeleteFailedFormat = Unable to delete Cost Management export '{0}': '{1}' (Code: {2}). Hub_Deploy_Deploy = Deploying FinOps hub '{0}' to resource group '{1}'. Hub_Deploy_TemplateNotFound = Could not find template 'main.bicep' at path '{0}'. Hub_Deploy_02to011 = Version 0.2 is not supported for Azure Gov and Azure China due to FOCUS exports not being available in Cost Management yet. Using version 0.1.1 instead. Hub_Deploy_02to021 = Version 0.2 is not supported due to a bug in the deployment template. Using version 0.3 instead. Hub_Remove_Failed = FinOps hub could not be deleted. {0}. Hub_Remove_NotFound = FinOps hub '{0}' not found. HubProviders_Register_AlreadyRegistered = Resource provider {0} is already registered. HubProviders_Register_Register = Registering resource provider {0}. HubProviders_Register_RegisterError = Error registering resource provider: {0}. HubTemplate_Save_ExpandingZip = Expanding zip '{0}'. HubTemplate_Save_FoundAsset = Found asset '{0}'. NewDirectory_Execute = Creating directory '{0}'. SchemaTransform_Invoke_ActualCostPathNotFound = ActualCostPath not found. Please enter a valid path: {0}. SchemaTransform_Invoke_AmortizedCostPathNotFound = AmortizedCostPath not found. Please enter a valid path: {0}. ServicePrincipal_AlreadyGrantedMessage = Service principal already has {0} Reader permissions for the specified billing scope. ServicePrincipal_BillingAccountNotSpecified = A billing account ID is required. ServicePrincipal_BillingAccountNotSpecifiedForDept = Billing account ID is required when billing scope = Department. ServicePrincipal_DeptIdNotSpecified = Department ID is required when billing scope = Department. ServicePrincipal_InvalidBillingScope = Invalid billing scope: '{0}'. ServicePrincipal_SuccessMessage = Successfully granted {0} Reader permissions to the specified service principal. ToolkitVersion_Get_FoundLatestRelease = Found latest release '{0}'. '@ |