# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. # Licensed under the MIT License. <# .SYNOPSIS Gets details about a FinOps hub instance. .DESCRIPTION The Get-FinOpsHub command gets details about a FinOps hub instance using the cm-resource-parent tag to identify hub resources. .PARAMETER Name Optional. Name of the FinOps hub instance. Supports wildcards. .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName Optional. Name of the resource group the FinOps hub was deployed to. Supports wildcards. .EXAMPLE Get-FinOpsHub Returns all FinOps hubs for the selected subscription. .EXAMPLE Get-FinOpsHub -Name foo* Returns all FinOps hubs that start with 'foo'. .EXAMPLE Get-FinOpsHub -ResourceGroupName foo Returns all resources associated with a FinOps hub in the 'foo' resource group. .EXAMPLE Get-FinOpsHub -Name foo -ResourceGroupName bar Returns all FinOps hubs named 'foo' in the 'bar' resource group. .LINK #> function Get-FinOpsHub { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Position = 1)] [string] $Name, [Parameter()] [string] $ResourceGroupName ) if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($Name)) { $Name = '*' } if ([System.String]::IsNullOrEmpty($ResourceGroupName)) { $ResourceGroupName = '*' } $context = Get-AzContext if (-not $context) { throw $script:LocalizedData.Common_ContextNotFound } $tagTemplate = '/subscriptions/{0}/resourceGroups/{1}/providers/Microsoft.Cloud/hubs/{2}' $tagName = 'cm-resource-parent' $subscriptionId = $context.Subscription.Id $tagValue = $tagTemplate -f $subscriptionId, $ResourceGroupName, $Name $resourceMatches = @() $resources = Get-AzResource -TagName $tagName foreach ($resource in $resources) { $tagMatch = $resource.Tags.Values | Where-Object -FilterScript { $_ -like $tagValue } if ($tagMatch) { $properties = [ordered]@{ Name = $tagMatch.Split('/')[-1] HubId = $tagMatch Resource = $resource } $resourceMatches += New-Object -TypeName 'PSObject' -Property $properties } } if ($resourceMatches.Count -gt 0) { $output = @() $groups = $resourceMatches | Group-Object -Property 'HubId' foreach ($group in $groups) { # Determine version and status $allResources = $group.Group.Resource $hasStorage = $allResources.ResourceType -like '' $hasFactory = $allResources.ResourceType -like 'microsoft.datafactory/factories' $hasVault = $allResources.ResourceType -like 'microsoft.keyvault/vaults' $hasIdentities = $allResources.ResourceType -like 'microsoft.managedidentity/userassignedidentities' if (($allResources.Count -eq 1) -and $hasStorage) { $status = 'StorageOnly' } elseif ($allResources.Count -eq 3 -and $hasStorage -and $hasFactory -and $hasVault) { $status = 'Deployed' $version = '0.0.1' } elseif ($allResources.Count -eq 4 -and $hasStorage -and $hasFactory -and $hasVault) { $status = 'DeployedWithExtraResources' $version = '0.0.1' } elseif ($allResources.Count -eq 5) { $status = 'Deployed' $version = '0.1' } elseif ($allResources.Count -ge 6 -and $hasStorage -and $hasFactory -and $hasVault -and $hasIdentities) { $status = 'DeployedWithExtraResources' $version = '0.1' } else { # TODO: Read version from storage $status = 'Unknown' } $groupProperties = [ordered]@{ Name = $group.Group.Name | Select-Object -Unique HubId = $group.Group.HubId | Select-Object -Unique Location = $group.Group.Resource.Location | Select-Object -Unique Version = $version Status = $status Resources = $allResources } $output += New-Object -TypeName 'PSObject' -Property $groupProperties } return $output } } |