
# Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation.
# Licensed under the MIT License.

    Deploys a FinOps hub instance.
    The Deploy-FinOpsHub command creates a new FinOps hub instance. The FinOps hub template is downloaded from GitHub.
    Before running this command, register the Microsoft.EventGrid and Microsoft.CostManagementExports providers. Resource provider registration must be done by a subscription contributor.
    Required. Name of the FinOps hub instance.
    .PARAMETER ResourceGroupName
    Required. Name of the resource group to deploy to. Will be created if it doesn't exist.
    .PARAMETER Location
    Required. Azure location to execute the deployment from.
    .PARAMETER Version
    Optional. Version of the FinOps hub template to use. Default = "latest".
    .PARAMETER Preview
    Optional. Indicates that preview releases should also be included. Default = false.
    .PARAMETER StorageSku
    Optional. Storage account SKU. Premium_LRS = Lowest cost, Premium_ZRS = High availability. Note Standard SKUs are not available for Data Lake gen2 storage. Default = "Premium_LRS".
    Optional. Tags for all resources.
    Deploy-FinOpsHub -Name MyHub -ResourceGroupName MyExistingResourceGroup -Location westus
    Deploys a new FinOps hub instance named MyHub to an existing resource group named MyExistingResourceGroup.
    Deploy-FinOpsHub -Name MyHub -Location westus -Version 0.1
    Deploys a new FinOps hub instance named MyHub using version 0.1 of the template.

function Deploy-FinOpsHub
    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseApprovedVerbs", "")]
        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]

        $Version = 'latest',


        [ValidateSet('Premium_LRS', 'Premium_ZRS')]
        $StorageSku = 'Premium_LRS',


        $resourceGroupObject = Get-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'
        if (-not $resourceGroupObject)
            if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ResourceGroupName, 'CreateResourceGroup'))
                $resourceGroupObject = New-AzResourceGroup -Name $ResourceGroupName -Location $Location

        $toolkitPath = Join-Path $env:temp -ChildPath 'FinOps'
        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($toolkitPath, 'CreateDirectory'))
            New-Directory -Path $toolkitPath
        if($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess('FinOps hub deployment','Initialize'))

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($Version, 'DownloadTemplate'))
            Save-FinOpsHubTemplate -Version $Version -Preview:$Preview -Destination $toolkitPath
            $toolkitFile = Get-ChildItem -Path $toolkitPath -Include 'main.bicep' -Recurse | Where-Object -FilterScript {$_.FullName -like '*finops-hub-v*'}
            if (-not $toolkitFile)
                throw ($LocalizedData.TemplateNotFound -f $toolkitPath)

            $parameterSplat = @{
                TemplateFile            = $toolkitFile.FullName
                TemplateParameterObject = @{
                    hubName    = $Name
                    storageSku = $StorageSku

            if ($Tags -and $Tags.Keys.Count -gt 0)
                $parameterSplat.TemplateParameterObject.Add('tags', $Tags)

        if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess($ResourceGroupName, 'DeployFinOpsHub'))
            Write-Verbose -Message ($LocalizedData.DeployFinOpsHub -f $toolkitFile.FullName, $resourceGroupObject.ResourceGroupName)
            $deployment = New-AzResourceGroupDeployment @parameterSplat -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroupObject.ResourceGroupName

            return $deployment
        throw $_.Exception.Message
        Remove-Item -Path $toolkitPath -Recurse -Force -ErrorAction 'SilentlyContinue'