$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop" <# .SYNOPSIS Loads the feature flags configuration from a JSON file. .PARAMETER jsonConfigPath Path to the JSON file containing the configuration. .OUTPUTS The output of ConvertFrom-Json (PSCustomObject) if the file contains a valid JSON object that matches the feature flags JSON schema, $null otherwise. #> function Get-FeatureFlagConfigFromFile([string]$jsonConfigPath) { $configJson = Get-Content $jsonConfigPath | Out-String if (-not (Confirm-FeatureFlagConfig $configJson)) { return $null } return ConvertFrom-Json $configJson } # This library uses Test-Json for JSON schema validation for PowerShell >= 6.1. # For previous versions, it uses NJsonSchema, which depends on Newtonsoft.JSON. # Since PowerShell itself uses NJsonSchema and Newtonsoft.JSON, we load these # assemblies only when it is needed (older PowerShell versions). $version = $PSVersionTable.PSVersion Write-Verbose "Running under PowerShell $version" if ($version -lt [System.Version]"6.1.0") { Write-Verbose "Loading JSON/JSON Schema libraries" # Get DLLs imported via restore. $externalLibs = Get-ChildItem -Recurse -Path "$PSScriptRoot/External" $externalLibs = $externalLibs | Where-Object {$_.Extension -ieq ".dll" -and $_.FullName -ilike "*netstandard1.0*"} | ForEach-Object {$_.FullName} # If PowerShell ships with Newtonsoft.JSON, let's load that copy rather than the one in the NuGet package. $jsonLibPath = [System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies() | Where-Object {$_.FullName.StartsWith("Newtonsoft.Json")} | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Location if ($null -eq $jsonLibPath) { $jsonLibPath = $externalLibs | Where-Object {$_ -ilike "*Newtonsoft.Json.dll"} if (-not (Test-Path -Path $jsonLibPath -PathType Leaf)) { Write-Error "Could not find the DLL for Newtonsoft.Json: $jsonLibPath" } try { $jsonType = Add-Type -Path $jsonLibPath -PassThru Write-Verbose "JSON.Net type: $jsonType" } catch { Write-Error "Error loading Newtonsoft.Json libraries ($jsonLibPath): $($_.Exception.Message)" throw } } Write-Verbose "Using Newtonsoft.JSON from $jsonLibPath" # Add an assembly redirect in case that NJsonSchema refers to a different version of Newtonsoft.Json. Write-Verbose "Adding assembly resolver." $onAssemblyResolve = [System.ResolveEventHandler] { param($sender, $e) if ($e.Name -like 'Newtonsoft.Json, *') { Write-Verbose "Resolving '$($e.Name)'" return [System.Reflection.Assembly]::LoadFrom($jsonLibPath) } Write-Verbose "Unable to resolve assembly name '$($e.Name)'" return $null } [System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.add_AssemblyResolve($onAssemblyResolve) # Load the JSON Schema library. $schemaLibPath = $externalLibs | Where-Object {$_ -ilike "*NJsonSchema.dll"} if (-not (Test-Path -Path $schemaLibPath -PathType Leaf)) { Write-Error "Could not find the DLL for NJSonSchema: $schemaLibPath" } Write-Verbose "Found NJsonSchema assembly at $schemaLibPath" try { $jsonSchemaType = Add-Type -Path $schemaLibPath -PassThru Write-Verbose "NjsonSchema type: $jsonSchemaType" } catch { Write-Error "Error loading JSON schema library ($schemaLibPath): $($_.Exception.Message)" throw } # Unregister the assembly resolver. Write-Verbose "Removing assemlby resolver." [System.AppDomain]::CurrentDomain.remove_AssemblyResolve($onAssemblyResolve) } try { Write-Verbose "Reading JSON schema..." $script:schemaContents = Get-Content $PSScriptRoot\featureflags.schema.json -Raw } catch { Write-Error "Error reading JSON schema: $($_.Exception.Message)" throw } if ($version -lt [System.Version]"6.1.0") { try { Write-Verbose "Loading JSON schema..." $script:schema = [NJsonSchema.JSonSchema]::FromJsonAsync($script:schemaContents).GetAwaiter().GetResult() } catch { $firstException = $_.Exception # As a fallback, try reading using the JsonSchema4 object. The JSON schema library # exposes that object to .NET Framework instead of JsonSchema for some reason. try { Write-Verbose "Loading JSON schema (fallback)..." $script:schema = [NJsonSchema.JSonSchema4]::FromJsonAsync($script:schemaContents).GetAwaiter().GetResult() } catch { Write-Error "Error loading JSON schema: $($_.Exception.Message). First error: $($firstException.Message)." Write-Host $_.Exception.Message throw } } Write-Verbose "Loaded JSON schema from featureflags.schema.json." Write-Verbose $script:schema } <# .SYNOPSIS Validates feature flag configuration. .PARAMETER serializedJson String containing a JSON object. .OUTPUTS $true if the configuration is valid, false if it's not valid or if the config schema could not be loaded. .NOTES The function accepts null/empty configuration because it's preferable to just return $false in case of such invalid configuration rather than throwing exceptions that need to be handled. #> function Confirm-FeatureFlagConfig { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)] [AllowNull()] [AllowEmptyString()] [string] $serializedJson ) if ($version -lt [System.Version]"6.1.0" -and $null -eq $script:schema) { Write-Error "Couldn't load the schema, considering the configuration as invalid." return $false } if ($null -eq $serializedJson -or $serializedJson.Length -eq 0) { Write-Error "Cannot validate the configuration, since it's null or zero-length." return $false } try { if ($version -lt [System.Version]"6.1.0") { $errors = $script:schema.Validate($serializedJson) } else { $res = Test-Json -Json $serializedJson -Schema $script:schemaContents if (-not $res) { $errors = "Exception during validation" } } if ($null -eq $errors -or ($errors.Count -eq 0)) { if(-not (Confirm-StagesPointers $serializedJson)) { return $false } return $true } $message = -join $errors Write-Error "Validation failed. Error details:`n ${message}" return $false } catch { Write-Error "Exception when validating. Exception: $_" return $false } } # Checks whether all features in the given feature flags configuration # point to stages that have been defined in the configuration itself. # # Unfortunately it's impossible to express this concept with the current # JSON schema standard. function Confirm-StagesPointers { param( [string] $serializedJson ) $config = ConvertFrom-Json $serializedJson if ($null -eq $config.features) { return $true } # Using the dictionary data structure as a set (values are ignored). $stageNames = @{} $config.stages | get-member -Membertype NoteProperty | Foreach-Object {$stageNames.Add($_.Name, "")} $featureStages = @($config.features | get-member -MemberType NoteProperty | Foreach-Object {$config.features.($_.Name)}) foreach($stage in $featureStages.stages) { if (-not ($stageNames.ContainsKey($stage))) { Write-Error "Stage ${stage} is used in the features configuration but is never defined." return $false } } return $true } # Checks whether $predicate matches any of the regular expressions in $regexList. function Test-RegexList { param( [string] $predicate, [string[]] $regexList ) foreach ($regex in $regexList) { Write-Verbose "Checking regex $regex" if ($predicate -match $regex) { return $true } } Write-Verbose "The predicate $predicate does not match any regex in the list of regular expressions" return $false } <# .SYNOPSIS Tests if a given feature is enabled by testing a predicate against the given feature flag configuration. .PARAMETER featureName The name of the feature to test. .PARAMETER predicate The predicate to use to test if the feature is enabled. .PARAMETER config A feature flag configuration, which should be parsed and checked by Get-FeatureFlagConfigFromFile. .OUTPUTS $true if the feature flag is enabled, $false if it's not enabled or if any other errors happened during the verification. #> function Test-FeatureFlag { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [string] $featureName, [string] $predicate, [PSCustomObject] $config ) try { $stages = $config.features.($featureName).stages if ($stages.Count -eq 0) { Write-Verbose "The feature ${featureName} is not in the configuration." return $false } $result = $false foreach ($stageName in $stages) { $conditions = $config.stages.($stageName) $featureResult = Test-FeatureConditions -conditions $conditions -predicate $predicate -config $config $result = $result -or $featureResult } return $result } catch { Write-Error "Exception when evaluating the feature flag ${featureName}. Considering the flag disabled. Exception: $_" return $false } } function Test-FeatureConditions { param( [PSCustomObject] $conditions, [string] $predicate, [PSCustomObject] $config ) # Conditions are evaluated in the order they are presented in the configuration file. foreach ($condition in $conditions) { # Each condition object can have only one of the allowlist, denylist or probability # attributes set. This invariant is enforced by the JSON schema, which uses the "oneof" # strategy to choose between allowlist, denylist or probability and, for each of these # condition types, only allows the homonym attribute to be set. if ($null -ne $condition.allowlist) { Write-Verbose "Checking the allowlist condition" # The predicate must match any of the regexes in the allowlist in order to # consider the allowlist condition satisfied. $matchesallowlist = Test-RegexList $predicate @($condition.allowlist) if (-not $matchesallowlist) { return $false } } elseif ($null -ne $condition.denylist) { Write-Verbose "Checking the denylist condition" # The predicate must not match all of the regexes in the denylist in order to # consider the denylist condition satisfied. $matchesdenylist = Test-RegexList $predicate @($condition.denylist) if ($matchesdenylist) { return $false } } elseif ($null -ne $condition.probability) { Write-Verbose "Checking the probability condition" $probability = $condition.probability $random = (Get-Random) % 100 / 100.0 Write-Verbose "random: ${random}. Checking against ${probability}" if($random -ge $condition.probability) { Write-Verbose "Probability condition not met: ${random} ≥ ${probability}" return $false } } else { throw "${condition} is not a supported condition type (denylist, allowlist or probability)." } } return $true } <# .SYNOPSIS Returns the list of supported features by name .PARAMETER config A feature flag configuration .OUTPUTS Array of the supported features by name. #> function Get-SupportedFeatures { param( [PSCustomObject] $config ) if($null -eq $config.features -or $config.features.Count -eq 0) { $featureNames = @() } else { $featureNames = @($config.features | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty | ForEach-Object { $_.Name }) } Write-Output $featureNames } <# .SYNOPSIS Parses the feature flags config for the environment variables collection associated to a specific feature .PARAMETER Config A feature flag configuration .OUTPUTS Returns the environment variables collection associated with a specific feature #> function Get-FeatureEnvironmentVariables { param( [PSCustomObject] $Config, [string] $FeatureName ) $featureEnvironmentVariables = $Config.features.($FeatureName).environmentVariables Write-Output $featureEnvironmentVariables } <# .SYNOPSIS Determines the enabled features from the specified feature config using the provided predicate. .PARAMETER predicate The predicate to use to test if the feature is enabled. .PARAMETER config Feature flag configuration object .OUTPUTS Returns an array of the evaluated feature flags given the specified predicate. #> function Get-EvaluatedFeatureFlags { param( [string] $predicate, [PSCustomObject] $config ) $allFeaturesList = Get-SupportedFeatures -config $config $evaluatedFeatures = @{} foreach($featureName in $allFeaturesList) { $isEnabled = Test-FeatureFlag -featureName $featureName -predicate $predicate -config $config $evaluatedFeatures.Add($featureName, $isEnabled) } Write-Output $evaluatedFeatures } <# .SYNOPSIS Writes the evaluated features to a file in the specified output folder .PARAMETER Config Feature flag configuration object .PARAMETER EvaluatedFeatures The collection of evaluated features .PARAMETER OutputFolder The folder to write the evaluated features file .PARAMETER FileName The prefix filename to be used when writing out the features files .OUTPUTS Outputs multiple file formats expressing the evaluated feature flags #> function Out-EvaluatedFeaturesFiles { param( [PSCustomObject] $Config, [PSCustomObject] $EvaluatedFeatures, [string] $OutputFolder, [string] $FileName = "features" ) if($null -eq $EvaluatedFeatures) { throw "EvaluatedFeatures input cannot be null." } if(-not (Test-Path $outputFolder)) { $null = New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $outputFolder } Out-FeaturesJson -EvaluatedFeatures $EvaluatedFeatures -OutputFolder $OutputFolder -FileName $FileName Out-FeaturesIni -EvaluatedFeatures $EvaluatedFeatures -OutputFolder $OutputFolder -FileName $FileName Out-FeaturesEnvConfig -Config $Config -EvaluatedFeatures $EvaluatedFeatures -OutputFolder $OutputFolder -FileName $FileName } function Out-FeaturesJson { param( [PSCustomObject] $EvaluatedFeatures, [string] $OutputFolder, [string] $FileName ) $featuresJson = Join-Path $outputFolder "${FileName}.json" $outJson = $EvaluatedFeatures | ConvertTo-Json -Depth 5 $outJson | Out-File -Force -FilePath $featuresJson } function Out-FeaturesIni { param( [PSCustomObject] $EvaluatedFeatures, [string] $OutputFolder, [string] $FileName ) $featuresIni = Join-Path $OutputFolder "${FileName}.ini" if(Test-Path $featuresIni) { $null = Remove-Item -Path $featuresIni -Force } $EvaluatedFeatures.Keys | ForEach-Object { Add-Content -Value "$_`t$($evaluatedFeatures[$_])" -Path $featuresIni } } function Out-FeaturesEnvConfig { param( [PSCustomObject] $Config, [PSCustomObject] $EvaluatedFeatures, [string] $OutputFolder, [string] $FileName ) $featuresEnvConfig = Join-Path $OutputFolder "${FileName}.env.config" if(Test-Path $featuresEnvConfig) { $null = Remove-Item -Path $featuresEnvConfig -Force } $EvaluatedFeatures.Keys | Where-Object { $EvaluatedFeatures[$_] -eq $true } | ForEach-Object { $envVars = Get-FeatureEnvironmentVariables -Config $Config -FeatureName $_ if($envVars) { Add-Content -Value "# Feature [$_] Environment Variables" -Path $featuresEnvConfig foreach($var in $envVars) { $name = ($var | Get-Member -MemberType NoteProperty).Name Add-Content -Value "$name`t$($var.$name)" -Path $featuresEnvConfig } } } } |