about_FarNet.Redis SHORT DESCRIPTION StackExchange.Redis PowerShell module and FarNet library LONG DESCRIPTION The module provides PowerShell friendly wrappers for basic Redis types and operations. For not yet implemented or advanced operations (like getting byte[] data) use SERedis API methods directly, see examples in tests. Redis keys, output simple values and complex type items are strings. Input values may be anything supported by SERedis, including byte[]. MODULE COMMANDS Database commands: Open-Redis Save-Redis Close-Redis Get-RedisServer Use-RedisPrefix Get data commands: Get-RedisAny Get-RedisHash Get-RedisList Get-RedisSet Get-RedisString Set data commands: Set-RedisHash Set-RedisList Set-RedisNumber Set-RedisSet Set-RedisString Key operations: Get-RedisKey Set-RedisKey Test-RedisKey Remove-RedisKey Rename-RedisKey Search-RedisKey Subscriptions: Add-RedisHandler Send-RedisMessage Remove-RedisHandler Transactions: New-RedisTransaction Invoke-RedisTransaction Other commands: Export-Redis Import-Redis Get-RedisClixml Set-RedisClixml Invoke-RedisScript Merge-RedisSet Use-RedisLock Wait-RedisString REDIS TYPES For a Redis type { String | Hash | List | Set } use these cmdlets: * Set-Redis{Type} Sets or updates values. It returns nothing on simple set operations. On updates, it returns some result depending on parameters. * Get-Redis{Type} Gets values or other details. It always returns some result. The result type depends on the command and parameters. * Get-RedisAny Use this command when the type is unknown or variable. * Test-RedisKey Checks for existence of specified keys. * Remove-RedisKey Removes specified keys. SEE ALSO StackExchange.Redis https://github.com/StackExchange/StackExchange.Redis |