
Retrieves usage metrics for a specific dataset.
The Get-FabricUsageMetricsQuery function retrieves usage metrics for a specific dataset. It supports multiple aliases for flexibility.
The ID of the dataset. This is a mandatory parameter.
The ID of the group. This is a mandatory parameter.
.PARAMETER reportname
The name of the report. This is a mandatory parameter.
The access token. This is a mandatory parameter.
.PARAMETER ImpersonatedUser
The name of the impersonated user. This is an optional parameter.
Get-FabricUsageMetricsQuery -DatasetID "your-dataset-id" -groupId "your-group-id" -reportname "your-report-name" -token "your-token"
This example retrieves the usage metrics for a specific dataset given the dataset ID, group ID, report name, and token.
The function defines the headers and body for a POST request to the PowerBI API to retrieve the usage metrics for the specified dataset. It then makes the POST request and returns the response.

# This function retrieves usage metrics for a specific dataset.
function Get-FabricUsageMetricsQuery {
  # Define aliases for the function for flexibility.

  # Define parameters for the dataset ID, group ID, report name, token, and impersonated user.
  param (
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
      [Parameter(Mandatory = $false)]
      [string]$ImpersonatedUser = ""

  # Define the headers for the POST request.
  $headers = @{
      "Authorization" = $token
      "Content-Type"  = "application/json"

  # Define the body of the POST request.
  if ($ImpersonatedUser -ne "") {
  $reportbody = '{
      "queries": [
          "query": "EVALUATE VALUES('
 + $reportname + ')"
      "serializerSettings": {
        "includeNulls": true
      "impersonatedUserName": "'
+ $ImpersonatedUser + '"

  } else {
  $reportbody = '{
      "queries": [
          "query": "EVALUATE VALUES('
 + $reportname + ')"
      "serializerSettings": {
        "includeNulls": true

  # Make a POST request to the PowerBI API to retrieve the usage metrics for the specified dataset.
  # The function returns the response of the POST request.
  return Invoke-RestMethod -uri "$groupId/datasets/$DatasetID/executeQueries" -Headers $headers -Body $reportbody -Method Post