
Retrieves the tenant settings.
The Get-FabricTenantSettings function retrieves the tenant settings. It supports multiple aliases for flexibility.
This example retrieves the tenant settings.
The function retrieves the PowerBI access token and makes a GET request to the Fabric API to retrieve the tenant settings. It then returns the 'tenantSettings' property of the first item in the response.

# This function retrieves the tenant settings.
function Get-FabricTenantSettings  {
    # Define aliases for the function for flexibility.

    # Retrieve the PowerBI access token.
    $token = (Get-PowerBIAccessToken)["Authorization"]

    # Make a GET request to the Fabric API to retrieve the tenant settings.
    $reply = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "" -Headers @{ "Authorization" = $token } -Method GET

    # Return the 'tenantSettings' property of the first item in the response.
    return $reply[0].tenantSettings