.SYNOPSIS Retrieves the workspace usage metrics dataset ID. .DESCRIPTION The New-FabricWorkspaceUsageMetricsReport function retrieves the workspace usage metrics dataset ID. It supports multiple aliases for flexibility. .PARAMETER workspaceId The ID of the workspace. This is a mandatory parameter. .EXAMPLE New-FabricWorkspaceUsageMetricsReport -workspaceId "your-workspace-id" This example retrieves the workspace usage metrics dataset ID for a specific workspace given the workspace ID. .NOTES The function retrieves the PowerBI access token and the Fabric API cluster URI. It then makes a GET request to the Fabric API to retrieve the workspace usage metrics dataset ID, parses the response and replaces certain keys to match the expected format, and returns the 'dbName' property of the first model in the response, which is the dataset ID. #> # This function retrieves the workspace usage metrics dataset ID. function New-FabricWorkspaceUsageMetricsReport { # Define aliases for the function for flexibility. [Alias("New-FabWorkspaceUsageMetricsReport")] [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess)] # Define a parameter for the workspace ID. param( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$workspaceId ) $s = Confirm-FabricAuthToken # Retrieve the Fabric API cluster URI. $url = get-FabricAPIclusterURI # Make a GET request to the Fabric API to retrieve the workspace usage metrics dataset ID. if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Workspace Usage Metrics Report", "Retrieve")) { $data = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri "$url/$workspaceId/usageMetricsReportV2?experience=power-bi" -Headers $s.FabricSession.HeaderParams -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Parse the response and replace certain keys to match the expected format. $response = $data.Content.ToString().Replace("nextRefreshTime", "NextRefreshTime").Replace("lastRefreshTime", "LastRefreshTime") | ConvertFrom-Json # Return the 'dbName' property of the first model in the response, which is the dataset ID. return $response.models[0].dbName } else { return $null } } |