.SYNOPSIS This function invokes a refresh of a PowerBI dataset .DESCRIPTION The Invoke-FabricDatasetRefresh function is used to refresh a PowerBI dataset. It first checks if the dataset is refreshable. If it is not, it writes an error. If it is, it invokes a PowerBI REST method to refresh the dataset. The URL for the request is constructed using the provided dataset ID. .PARAMETER DatasetID A mandatory parameter that specifies the dataset ID. .EXAMPLE Invoke-FabricDatasetRefresh -DatasetID "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" This command invokes a refresh of the dataset with the ID "12345678-1234-1234-1234-123456789012" .NOTES Alias: Invoke-FabDatasetRetresh #> function Invoke-FabricDatasetRefresh { # Define aliases for the function for flexibility. [Alias("Invoke-FabDatasetRefresh")] # Define parameters for the workspace ID and dataset ID. param( # Mandatory parameter for the dataset ID [Parameter(Mandatory = $true, ParameterSetName = "DatasetId")] [string]$DatasetID ) $s = Confirm-FabricAuthToken # Check if the dataset is refreshable if ((Get-FabricDataset -DatasetId $DatasetID).isrefreshable -eq $false) { # If the dataset is not refreshable, write an error Write-Error "Dataset is not refreshable" } else { # If the dataset is refreshable, invoke a PowerBI REST method to refresh the dataset # The URL for the request is constructed using the provided workspace ID and dataset ID. # Check if the dataset is refreshable # If the dataset is refreshable, invoke a PowerBI REST method to refresh the dataset # The URL for the request is constructed using the provided workspace ID and dataset ID. return Invoke-RestMethod -Method POST -uri ("$datasetid/refreshes") -Headers $s.FabricSession.HeaderParams } } |