
Retrieves the cluster URI for the tenant.
The Get-FabricAPIclusterURI function retrieves the cluster URI for the tenant. It supports multiple aliases for flexibility.
This example retrieves the cluster URI for the tenant.
The function retrieves the PowerBI access token and makes a GET request to the PowerBI API to retrieve the datasets. It then extracts the '@odata.context' property from the response, splits it on the '/' character, and selects the third element. This element is used to construct the cluster URI, which is then returned by the function.

#This function retrieves the cluster URI for the tenant.

function Get-FabricAPIclusterURI  {
    # Define aliases for the function for flexibility.
    Param (

    $s = Confirm-FabricAuthToken

    # Make a GET request to the PowerBI API to retrieve the datasets.
    $reply = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "" -Headers $s.FabricSession.HeaderParams -Method GET

    # Extract the '@odata.context' property from the response.
    $unaltered = $reply.'@odata.context'

    # Split the '@odata.context' property on the '/' character and select the third element.
    $stripped = $unaltered.split('/')[2]

    # Construct the cluster URI.
    $clusterURI = "https://$stripped/beta/myorg/groups"

    # Return the cluster URI.
    return $clusterURI