.SYNOPSIS Retrieves the cluster URI for the tenant. .DESCRIPTION The Get-FabricAPIclusterURI function retrieves the cluster URI for the tenant. It supports multiple aliases for flexibility. .EXAMPLE Get-FabricAPIclusterURI This example retrieves the cluster URI for the tenant. .NOTES The function retrieves the PowerBI access token and makes a GET request to the PowerBI API to retrieve the datasets. It then extracts the '@odata.context' property from the response, splits it on the '/' character, and selects the third element. This element is used to construct the cluster URI, which is then returned by the function. #> #This function retrieves the cluster URI for the tenant. function Get-FabricAPIclusterURI { # Define aliases for the function for flexibility. [Alias("Get-FabAPIClusterURI")] Param ( ) $s = Confirm-FabricAuthToken # Make a GET request to the PowerBI API to retrieve the datasets. $reply = Invoke-RestMethod -uri "" -Headers $s.FabricSession.HeaderParams -Method GET # Extract the '@odata.context' property from the response. $unaltered = $reply.'@odata.context' # Split the '@odata.context' property on the '/' character and select the third element. $stripped = $unaltered.split('/')[2] # Construct the cluster URI. $clusterURI = "https://$stripped/beta/myorg/groups" # Return the cluster URI. return $clusterURI } |