
Retrieves all refreshes for all datasets in all PowerBI workspaces.
The Get-AllFabricDatasetRefreshes function retrieves all refreshes for all datasets in all PowerBI workspaces. It supports multiple aliases for flexibility.
This example retrieves all refreshes for all datasets in all PowerBI workspaces.
The function makes a GET request to the PowerBI API to retrieve the refreshes. It loops through each workspace and each dataset in each workspace. If a dataset is refreshable, it retrieves the refreshes for the dataset and selects the most recent one. It then creates a PSCustomObject with information about the refresh and adds it to an array of refreshes. Finally, it returns the array of refreshes.

# This function retrieves all refreshes for all datasets in all PowerBI workspaces.
function Get-AllFabricDatasetRefreshes {
    # Define aliases for the function for flexibility.

    # Retrieve all PowerBI workspaces.
    $wsps = Get-FabricWorkspace
    # Initialize an array to store the refreshes.
    $refs = @()
    # Loop through each workspace.
    foreach ($w in $wsps) {
        # Get a list of all the datasets in the workspace.
        $d = Get-FabricDataset -workspaceid $w.Id -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
        # Loop through each dataset.
        foreach ($di in $d) {
            # Check if the dataset is refreshable.
            if ($di.isrefreshable ) {
                # Get a list of all the refreshes for the dataset.
                $results = (Invoke-PowerBIRestMethod -Method get -Url ("datasets/" + $ + "/Refreshes") | ConvertFrom-Json)
                # Select the most recent refresh.
                # Create a PSCustomObject with the information about the refresh.
                $refresh = [PSCustomObject] @{
                    Clock        = Get-Date # Current date and time.
                    Workspace    = $ # Name of the workspace.
                    Dataset      = $di.Name # Name of the dataset.
                    refreshtype  = $results.value[0].refreshType # Type of the refresh.
                    startTime    = $results.value[0].startTime # Start time of the refresh.
                    endTime      = $results.value[0].endTime # End time of the refresh.
                    status       = $results.value[0].status # Status of the refresh.
                    ErrorMessage = $results.value[0].serviceExceptionJson # Error message of the refresh, if any.
                # Add the refresh to the array of refreshes.
                $refs += $refresh
    # Return the array of refreshes.
    return $refs