.SYNOPSIS Retrieves all refreshes for all datasets in all PowerBI workspaces. .DESCRIPTION The Get-AllFabricDatasetRefreshes function retrieves all refreshes for all datasets in all PowerBI workspaces. It supports multiple aliases for flexibility. .EXAMPLE Get-AllFabricDatasetRefreshes This example retrieves all refreshes for all datasets in all PowerBI workspaces. .NOTES The function makes a GET request to the PowerBI API to retrieve the refreshes. It loops through each workspace and each dataset in each workspace. If a dataset is refreshable, it retrieves the refreshes for the dataset and selects the most recent one. It then creates a PSCustomObject with information about the refresh and adds it to an array of refreshes. Finally, it returns the array of refreshes. #> # This function retrieves all refreshes for all datasets in all PowerBI workspaces. function Get-AllFabricDatasetRefreshes { # Define aliases for the function for flexibility. [Alias("Get-AllFabDatasetRefreshes")] # Retrieve all PowerBI workspaces. $wsps = Get-FabricWorkspace # Initialize an array to store the refreshes. $refs = @() # Loop through each workspace. foreach ($w in $wsps) { # Get a list of all the datasets in the workspace. $d = Get-FabricDataset -workspaceid $w.Id -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue # Loop through each dataset. foreach ($di in $d) { # Check if the dataset is refreshable. if ($di.isrefreshable ) { # Get a list of all the refreshes for the dataset. $results = (Invoke-PowerBIRestMethod -Method get -Url ("datasets/" + $ + "/Refreshes") | ConvertFrom-Json) # Select the most recent refresh. $results.value[0] # Create a PSCustomObject with the information about the refresh. $refresh = [PSCustomObject] @{ Clock = Get-Date # Current date and time. Workspace = $ # Name of the workspace. Dataset = $di.Name # Name of the dataset. refreshtype = $results.value[0].refreshType # Type of the refresh. startTime = $results.value[0].startTime # Start time of the refresh. endTime = $results.value[0].endTime # End time of the refresh. status = $results.value[0].status # Status of the refresh. ErrorMessage = $results.value[0].serviceExceptionJson # Error message of the refresh, if any. } # Add the refresh to the array of refreshes. $refs += $refresh } } } # Return the array of refreshes. return $refs } |