
    This resource is used to configure File Screen Exceptions in File
    Server Resource Manager.
    Key - String
    The path this FSRM File Screen applies to.
.PARAMETER Description
    Write - String
    An optional description for this FSRM File Screen.
    Write - String
    Allowed values: Present, Absent
    Specifies whether the FSRM File Screen should exist.
.PARAMETER IncludeGroup
    Write - StringArray
    An array of File Groups to include in this File Screen.
This configuration add a File Screen Exception that Includes 'E-mail Files' to
the path 'D:\Users'.
Configuration FSRMFileScreenException_Config
    Import-DscResource -Module FSRMDsc
    Node localhost
        FSRMFileScreenException DUsersFileScreenException
            Path = 'd:\users'
            Description = 'File Screen for Blocking Some Files'
            Ensure = 'Present'
            IncludeGroup = 'E-mail Files'
        } # End of FSRMFileScreenException Resource
    } # End of Node
} # End of Configuration