
    This resource is used to configure Classification settings in
    File Server Resource Manager.
    Key - String
    This is a unique identifier for this resource.
.PARAMETER Continuous
    Write - Boolean
    Enable FSRM Classification continuous mode for new files.
.PARAMETER ContinuousLog
    Write - Boolean
    Enable FSRM Classification continuous mode logging.
.PARAMETER ContinuousLogSize
    Write - UInt32
    The maximum number of KB that can be used for the continuous mode log file.
.PARAMETER ExcludeNamespace
    Write - StringArray
    An array of Namespaces that will be excluded from FSRM Classification.
.PARAMETER ScheduleMonthly
    Write - UInt32Array
    An array of days of the month the FSRM Classification should run on.
.PARAMETER ScheduleWeekly
    Write - StringArray
    An array of named days of the week the FSRM Classification should run on.
.PARAMETER ScheduleRunDuration
    Write - SInt32
    The maximum number of hours the FSRM Classification can run for. Setting this to -1 will disable this.
.PARAMETER ScheduleTime
    Write - String
    A string containing the time of day the FSRM Classification should run at.
    Read - String
    A string containing the time of day the FSRM Classification should run at.
    Read - String
    A string containing the time of day the FSRM Classification should run at.
This will configure the FSRM Classification settings on this server.
It enables Continous Mode, Logging and sets the maximum Log size to 2 MB.
The Classification schedule is also set to Monday through Wednesday at 11:30pm
and will run a maximum of 4 hours.
Configuration FSRMClassification_Config
    Import-DscResource -Module FSRMDsc
    Node localhost
        FSRMClassification FSRMClassificationSettings
            Id = 'Default'
            Continuous = $true
            ContinuousLog = $true
            ContinuousLogSize = 2048
            ScheduleWeekly = 'Monday', 'Tuesday', 'Wednesday'
            ScheduleRunDuration = 4
            ScheduleTime = '23:30'
        } # End of FSRMClassification Resource
    } # End of Node
} # End of Configuration