function Copy-WindowsPathsToClipboard { param( [Parameter(Mandatory,Position=0)] [string[]] $LiteralPath, [switch] $FilenamesOnly, [switch] $NoQuotes, [ValidateSet('Default','DoubleBackslash','ForwardSlash','DoubleForwardSlash')] [string] $SlashFormat = 'Default', [switch] $NoExtension, [string] $AsPowershellArray, [Int32] $MaxThreads = 14 ) begin { if ((-not[String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AsPowershellArray)) -and $NoQuotes) { throw "-AsPowershellArray and -NoQuotes cannot be used together." } if ((-not[String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AsPowershellArray)) -and ($SlashFormat -ne 'Default')){ throw "-AsPowershellArray and -SlashFormat cannot be used together." } if (($SlashFormat -ne 'Default') -and $FilenamesOnly) { throw "-SlashFormat and -FilenamesOnly cannot be used together." } $FileList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]@() $ListFile = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]@() } process { foreach ($Path in $LiteralPath) { if (Test-Path -LiteralPath $Path) { $FileList.Add($Path) } else{ Write-Warning -Message "Passed path or file does not exist on disk. ($Path)" -WarningAction Continue } } } end { $ReplaceSlashes = { param ( [Parameter(Mandatory)] [String[]] $LiteralPath, [Parameter(Mandatory)] [ValidateSet('DoubleBackslash','ForwardSlash','DoubleForwardSlash')] [String] $SlashFormat ) $LiteralPath | ForEach-Object { $BackslashEscaped = [regex]::Escape('\') if($SlashFormat -eq 'DoubleBackslash'){ $Result = $_ -replace $BackslashEscaped,'\\' } elseif($SlashFormat -eq 'ForwardSlash'){ $Result = $_ -replace $BackslashEscaped,'/' } elseif($SlashFormat -eq 'DoubleForwardSlash'){ $Result = $_ -replace $BackslashEscaped,'//' } $Result } } $FileList | ForEach-Object -Parallel { $ListFile = $Using:ListFile $NoQuotes = $Using:NoQuotes $FilenamesOnly = $Using:FilenamesOnly $NoExtension = $Using:NoExtension $FinalPath = "" if ($FilenamesOnly) { if($NoExtension) { $FinalPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($_) } else{ $FinalPath = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($_) } } else { if($NoExtension) { $FinalPath = Get-FullPathWithoutExtension -LiteralPath $_ } else{ $FinalPath = $_ } } if(!$NoQuotes){ $FinalPath = "`"$FinalPath`"" } $ListFile.Add($FinalPath) } -ThrottleLimit $MaxThreads $SortedFiles = $ListFile | Format-ObjectSortNumerical if(($SlashFormat -ne 'Default') -and (!$FilenamesOnly)){ $SortedFiles = & $ReplaceSlashes -LiteralPath $SortedFiles -SlashFormat $SlashFormat } if(-not[String]::IsNullOrEmpty($AsPowershellArray)){ $SortedFiles = Convert-PlaintextListToPowershellArray -ListItems $SortedFiles -ArrayName $AsPowershellArray -StripQuotes } $SortedFiles | Set-Clipboard } } |