
    Checks for illegal characters in a file path or file name.
    The Confirm-PathIsIllegal function determines if a given path contains
    any illegal characters that are not allowed in Windows file paths or file names.
    It returns a boolean value indicating the presence of such characters.
    The file path to check for illegal characters. This parameter is mandatory and accepts input from the pipeline.
    Returns $true if the path or file name contains illegal characters; otherwise, returns $false.
    'C:\Invalid|Path\example.txt' | Confirm-PathIsIllegal
    This example checks the path 'C:\Invalid|Path\example.txt' for illegal characters.
    It will return $true because the pipe character '|' is not allowed in paths.
    Confirm-PathIsIllegal -Path 'D:\ValidPath\validfile.txt'
    This example checks the path 'D:\ValidPath\validfile.txt' for illegal characters.
    It will return $false as there are no illegal characters in this path.
    $paths = @('E:\Another|Invalid:Path\file.doc', 'F:\CorrectPath\correctfile.doc')
    $paths | Confirm-PathIsIllegal
    This example checks multiple paths stored in the $paths variable for illegal characters.
    It will return $true for 'E:\Another|Invalid:Path\file.doc' due to illegal characters,
    and $false for 'F:\CorrectPath\correctfile.doc'.
    Author: Futuremotion
    Date: 11-06-2024

function Confirm-PathIsIllegal {
    param (
        [string] $Path

    begin {
        $IllegalPathChars = [System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidPathChars()
        $IllegalFileNameChars = [System.IO.Path]::GetInvalidFileNameChars()

    process {
        if($Path.IndexOfAny($IllegalPathChars) -ne -1){
            return $true
        $FileName = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileName($Path)
        if($FileName.IndexOfAny($IllegalFileNameChars) -ne -1){
            return $true