
Converts a list of plaintext strings into a PowerShell array declaration.
The `Convert-PlaintextListToPowershellArray` function takes a list of strings and converts it into a
PowerShell array declaration. It offers options to sort the items, strip quotes, copy the output to the
clipboard, and save the result to a file.
An array of strings representing the list items to be converted into a PowerShell array.
.PARAMETER CopyToClipboard
A switch parameter that, when specified, copies the resulting array declaration to the clipboard.
.PARAMETER StripQuotes
A switch parameter that, when specified, removes quotes from each item in the list before processing.
Specifies the order in which to sort the list items. Acceptable values are 'Ascending' or 'Descending'.
The default is 'Ascending'.
Specifies the name of the PowerShell array variable. Must match the pattern of word characters only.
Defaults to 'NewArray'.
Specifies the path to a file where the resulting array declaration will be saved. If the file already
exists, a unique name will be generated.
A switch parameter that, when specified, suppresses the output of the array declaration to the console.
Convert-PlaintextListToPowershellArray -ListItems "apple", "banana", "cherry" -Sort Descending -ArrayName FruitArray
This example converts a list of fruits into a PowerShell array named `FruitArray`, sorted in descending order.
Convert-PlaintextListToPowershellArray -ListItems "file1.txt", "file2.txt", "file3.txt" -CopyToClipboard -StripQuotes
This example converts a list of filenames into a PowerShell array, strips any quotes, and copies the result to the clipboard.
Convert-PlaintextListToPowershellArray -ListItems "dog", "cat", "bird" -OutputFile "C:\temp\AnimalArray.ps1" -NoOutput
This example converts a list of animals into a PowerShell array and saves it to a file at `C:\temp\AnimalArray.ps1` without displaying the output in the console.
Author: Futuremotion
Date: 10-12-2024

function Convert-PlaintextListToPowershellArray {
        [string[]] $ListItems,
        [Switch] $CopyToClipboard,
        [Switch] $StripQuotes,
        [String] $Sort = 'Ascending',
        [String] $ArrayName = 'NewArray',

        [String] $OutputFile,

        [Switch] $NoOutput,
        [Switch] $FilenamesOnly

    if ($StripQuotes) { $ListItems = $ListItems.Trim('"') }
    if ($FilenamesOnly) {
        $ListItems = $ListItems | ForEach-Object { [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($_) }
    $SortOutput = @{}
    if ($Sort -eq 'Descending') { $SortOutput['Descending'] = $true }
    $Output = @(
        '${0} = @(' -f $ArrayName
        $ListItems | Sort-Object @SortOutput | ForEach-Object { ' "{0}"' -f $_ }
    if($CopyToClipboard){ $Output | Set-Clipboard }
        $OutputFile = $PSCmdlet.GetUnresolvedProviderPathFromPSPath($OutputFile)
        $FinalFile = Get-UniqueNameIfDuplicate -LiteralPath $OutputFile
        [System.IO.File]::WriteAllLines($FinalFile, $Output)
    if(!$NoOutput){ $Output }