
using namespace System.IO
using namespace System.Management.Automation
using namespace System.Collections.Generic

# Custom class to generate valid values for the RecurseDepth parameter
class RecurseDepthSetting : IValidateSetValuesGenerator {
    [string[]] GetValidValues() {
        return @('Unlimited',0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10)
    Shows files in a directory based on their age (older or newer than specified days).
    This function retrieves files from the specified directory (and optionally its subdirectories)
    based on their age. It can filter files that are older or newer than a specified number of days.
    The function displays the file size, age, and name of the matching files.
.PARAMETER Directory
    The directory or directories to search for files.
    The number of days to filter files older than. Mutually exclusive with NewerThan.
    The number of days to filter files newer than. Mutually exclusive with OlderThan.
.PARAMETER RecurseDepth
    The depth of subdirectories to recurse into. Can be 'Unlimited' or a specific number.
.PARAMETER FileDisplay
    Determines whether to display the full path or only the file name.
    The date method to use for age calculation: 'LastWrite' (default) or 'Creation'.
    Show-FilesBasedOnAgeInDirectory -Directory "C:\Temp" -OlderThan 30
    Shows files in the "C:\Temp" directory that are older than 30 days.
    Show-FilesBasedOnAgeInDirectory -Directory "C:\Temp" -NewerThan 7 -RecurseDepth 2 -FileDisplay FileOnly
    Shows files in the "C:\Temp" directory and its subdirectories (up to depth 2) that are newer than 7 days,
    displaying only the file names.

function Show-FilesBasedOnAgeInDirectory {


    param (
        [String[]] $Directory,

        [Int32] $OlderThan,

        [Int32] $NewerThan,

        [String] $SortOrder = "Descending",

        [Object] $RecurseDepth = 'Unlimited',

        [String] $FileDisplay = 'FullPath',

        [String] $DateMethod = "LastWrite"

    begin {
        if($NewerThan -and $OlderThan){
            throw "-NewerThanDays and -OlderThanDays cannnot be used together."
        $DateToday = Get-Date
        $DateCutoff = $DateToday.AddDays(($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Older") ? $OlderThan : $NewerThan)

    process {

        foreach ($Dir in $Directory) {
            [double] $TotalSize = 0

            $ListSplatParams = @{
                Path    =  $Dir
                File    =  $true
                Recurse =  $true
            if($RecurseDepth -ne 'Unlimited'){
                $ListSplatParams['Depth'] = $RecurseDepth
            $List = Get-ChildItem @ListSplatParams

            $FilesList = [List[FileInfo]]@()
            foreach ($File in $List) {
                $DateMeasurement = ($DateMethod -eq 'LastWrite') ? $File.LastWriteTime : $File.CreationTime
                if($DateMeasurement -lt $DateCutoff) { $FilesList.Add($File) }

            [Int] $FilesizeMaxLength = 0
            $FilesObjectList = [List[Object]]@()

            foreach ($File in $FilesList) {

                $FormattedSize = $File.Length | Format-FileSizeAuto -DisplayDecimals

                [String] $FormattedSizeNoLabel = ($FormattedSize -replace '\s[a-z]{1,2}$', '').Trim()
                [String] $FormattedSizeLabel = ($FormattedSize -replace '^[\d\.]{1,1026}\s', '').Trim()
                if($FormattedSizeNoLabel.Length -gt $FilesizeMaxLength){
                    $FilesizeMaxLength = $FormattedSizeNoLabel.Length

                $Filename = ($FileDisplay -eq 'FullPath') ? $File.FullName : $File.BaseName
                $DateMeasurement = ($DateMethod -eq 'LastWrite') ? $File.LastWriteTime : $File.CreationTime
                $Age = (New-TimeSpan -Start $DateMeasurement -End $DateToday).Days

                $AgeCondition = ($PSCmdlet.ParameterSetName -eq "Older") ? ($Age -gt $OlderThan) : ($Age -lt $NewerThan)

                    $TotalSize += $File.Length
                    $FileObj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                        Size = $FormattedSizeNoLabel
                        SizeLabel = $FormattedSizeLabel
                        Age = ($Age -as [String]) + " Days"
                        Filename = $Filename

            $FinalObjectList = [List[Object]]@()

            foreach ($F in $FilesObjectList) {
                $FinalSize = "{0:D} {1}" -f $F.Size, $F.SizeLabel

                $DateProperty = ($DateMethod -eq 'LastWrite') ? "Date Modified" : "Date Created"
                $Obj = [PSCustomObject]@{
                    $DateProperty = $F.Age
                    "File Size"   = $FinalSize
                    "File Name"   = $F.Filename


            $ReportedSize = Format-FileSizeAuto -Bytes $TotalSize
            '{0} Files, {1} total' -f $FilesObjectList.Count, $ReportedSize

            $SortProperty = ($DateMethod -eq 'LastWrite') ? "Date Modified" : "Date Created"
            if($SortOrder -eq 'Descending'){
                $FinalObjectList | Sort-Object { [regex]::Replace($_.$SortProperty, '\d+', { $args[0].Value.PadLeft(20) }) } -Descending
                $FinalObjectList | Sort-Object { [regex]::Replace($_.$SortProperty, '\d+', { $args[0].Value.PadLeft(20) }) }
