.SYNOPSIS Renames image files by converting density multiplier to actual size in the filename. .DESCRIPTION This function processes image files specified by their literal paths. It identifies filenames containing a density multiplier pattern and renames them by replacing the multiplier with the actual size. The function can also add underscores, suffixes, or zero padding to the new filenames. .PARAMETER LiteralPath Specifies the path(s) to the image file(s) to be renamed. Wildcard characters are not allowed, and paths must be absolute. .PARAMETER AddUnderscore Adds an underscore before the calculated size in the new filename. .PARAMETER Suffix Appends a custom suffix to the new filename. .PARAMETER AddSuffixToAllFiles Applies the suffix to all passed files without a density multiplier pattern, but only if one of the files passed matches a density multiplier pattern. .PARAMETER ZeroPadding Specifies the number of digits for zero-padding the calculated size. .EXAMPLE Rename-ImageDensityMultiplerToActual -LiteralPath "C:\Images\photo 24@2x.png" -Suffix "px" This command renames "photo 24@2x.png" to "photo 48px.png", adding a "px" suffix. .EXAMPLE Rename-ImageDensityMultiplerToActual -LiteralPath "D:\Pictures\Icon Add 128@3x.png" -ZeroPadding 4 -Suffix "px" This command renames "Icon Add 128@3x.png" to "Icon Add 0384px.png", applying zero-padding and adding a suffix. .OUTPUTS None. The function renames files on disk and does not produce any output. .NOTES Author: Futuremotion Website: Date: 2023-11-01 #> function Rename-ImageDensityMultiplerToActual { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter( Mandatory, Position = 0, ValueFromPipeline, ValueFromPipelineByPropertyName )] [ValidateScript({$_ -notmatch '[\?\*]'}, ErrorMessage = "Wildcard characters *, ? are not acceptable with -LiteralPath")] [ValidateScript({[System.IO.Path]::IsPathRooted($_)}, ErrorMessage = "Relative paths are not allowed in -LiteralPath.")] [Alias('PSPath')] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [String[]] $LiteralPath, [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [switch] $AddUnderscore, [string] $Suffix, [Switch] $AddSuffixToAllFiles, [ValidateRange(2,6)] [int] $ZeroPadding ) begin { $FileList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[String]]@() $RegexPatternMultipler = [regex]'[\s]+([\d]{1,4})@([\d]{1,4})x$' $RegexPatternDigitsEnd = [regex]'[\s]+([\d]{1,4})$' } process { $MultiplierMatchFound = $false foreach ($File in $LiteralPath) { if (-not (Test-Path -LiteralPath $File)) { Write-Error "File not found: $File" continue } $FNoExtension = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($File) if ($RegexPatternMultipler.IsMatch($FNoExtension)) { $MultiplierMatchFound = $true } $FileList.Add($File) } foreach ($File in $FileList) { $FNoExtension = [System.IO.Path]::GetFileNameWithoutExtension($File) $Directory = [System.IO.Path]::GetDirectoryName($File) $Extension = [System.IO.Path]::GetExtension($File) $NewFilename = $FNoExtension if ($RegexPatternMultipler.IsMatch($FNoExtension)) { $Match = $RegexPatternMultipler.Match($FNoExtension) $BaseSize = [int]$Match.Groups[1].Value $Multiplier = [int]$Match.Groups[2].Value $NewSize = $BaseSize * $Multiplier if ($ZeroPadding) { $NewSize = $NewSize.ToString("D$ZeroPadding") } $NewFilename = $FNoExtension -replace $RegexPatternMultipler, '' if ($AddUnderscore) { $NewFilename += "_$NewSize" } else { $NewFilename += " $NewSize" } if ($Suffix) { $NewFilename += $Suffix } } elseif ($AddSuffixToAllFiles -and $RegexPatternDigitsEnd.IsMatch($FNoExtension)) { if($MultiplierMatchFound){ $Match = $RegexPatternDigitsEnd.Match($FNoExtension) $Digits = [int]$Match.Groups[1].Value if ($ZeroPadding) { $Digits = $Digits.ToString("D$ZeroPadding") } $NewFilename = $FNoExtension -replace $RegexPatternDigitsEnd, '' if ($AddUnderscore) { $NewFilename += "_$Digits" } else { $NewFilename += " $Digits" } if ($Suffix) { $NewFilename += $Suffix } } } else { continue } $NewFullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($Directory, "$NewFilename$Extension") if($NewFullPath -ne $File){ $IDX = 2 while (Test-Path -LiteralPath $NewFullPath) { $NewFullPath = [System.IO.Path]::Combine($Directory, "$NewFilename" + "_{0:D2}" -f $IDX + "$Extension") $IDX++ } try { [System.IO.File]::Move($File, $NewFullPath) | Out-Null } catch { Write-Error "Failed to rename $File to $NewFullPath. Details: $_" } } } } } |