
    Generates a unique file or folder name if a duplicate exists in the specified path.
    The `Get-UniqueNameIfDuplicate` function takes an array of file or folder paths and checks for duplicates.
    If a duplicate is found, it generates a new unique name by appending a counter to the base name.
    This function can handle files with or without extensions as well as dotfiles.
.PARAMETER LiteralPath
    An array of file or folder paths to check for duplicates.
    The starting value for the counter appended to the base name. Default is 1.
    The number of digits to pad the counter to. Default is 3.
.PARAMETER IndexSeparator
    The separator string between the base name and the counter. Default is a space (" ").
    PS> Get-UniqueNameIfDuplicate -LiteralPath "C:\data\report.docx"
    C:\data\report 001.docx
    PS> Get-UniqueNameIfDuplicate -LiteralPath "C:\projects\", "C:\projects\"
    PS> Get-UniqueNameIfDuplicate -LiteralPath "C:\images\photo.jpg" -IndexStart 10 -PadIndexTo 4 -IndexSeparator "-"
    Author: Futuremotion
    Date: 2023-10-09

function Get-UniqueNameIfDuplicate {
    param (
        [string[]] $LiteralPath,
        [Int] $IndexStart = 2,
        [Int] $PadIndexTo = 2,
        [String] $IndexSeparator = " "

    process {
        [Array] $Output = foreach ($File in $LiteralPath) {

            $FileName = Split-Path -Path $File -Leaf
            $ParentDir = Split-Path -Path $File -Parent
            $counter = $IndexStart

            if (Test-Path -Path $File -PathType Leaf) {
                if ($FileName.StartsWith(".")) {
                    # Dotfile
                    $BaseName = $FileName
                    $Extension = ""
                } else {
                    $lastDotIndex = $FileName.LastIndexOf(".")
                    if ($lastDotIndex -ne -1) {
                        # File with extension
                        $BaseName = $FileName.Substring(0, $lastDotIndex)
                        $Extension = $FileName.Substring($lastDotIndex)
                    } else {
                        # File without extension
                        $BaseName = $FileName
                        $Extension = ""
            } else {
                # Folder
                $BaseName = $FileName
                $Extension = ""

            $NewName = $FileName

            while (Test-Path -Path (Join-Path -Path $ParentDir -ChildPath $NewName)) {

                $paddedCounter = $counter.ToString().PadLeft($PadIndexTo, '0')
                if ($Extension) {
                    $NewName = "{0}{1}{2}{3}" -f $BaseName, $IndexSeparator, $paddedCounter, $Extension
                } else {
                    $NewName = "{0}{1}{2}" -f $BaseName, $IndexSeparator, $paddedCounter

            Join-Path $ParentDir -ChildPath $NewName