Function Invoke-BlenderRender{ <# .Synopsis Starts rendering a blender .blend animation or image. .LINKS Belnder command line https://docs.blender.org/manual/en/dev/render/workflows/command_line.html #> [CmdletBinding(SupportsShouldProcess=$true)] param( [ValidateSet("Debug","Info","Warning","Error", "Disable")][string] $logLevel = "Info", [switch] $winEventLog ,[string] $blenderEXEPath = "E:\Games\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Blender\Blender.exe" ,[string] $BlendFileToRender = $null ,[string] $outputDir = "E:\Collect It\Blender" ,[string] $option = $null #Set to -a to render the whole animation , [int] $threadCount = $null ) if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($logLevel)){$log:Level = "Info"} Set-LogLevel $logLevel Set-logTargetWinEvent $winEventLog if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($BlendFileToRender)){ Write-Log "You need to pass a value to the BlendFileToRender parameter" Error -ErrorAction Stop } if (!(Test-Path $BlendFileToRender)){ Write-Log "Could not find $BlendFileToRender. Aborting" Error -ErrorAction Stop } if (!(Test-Path $outputDir)){ Write-Log "Output directory does not exist. $outputDir" Error -ErrorAction Stop } if ($threadCount -eq $null -or $threadCount -le 0){ $threadCount = 0 } $inputFileName = Split-Path $BlendFileToRender -Leaf $inputFileName = $inputFileName.Substring(0,$inputFileName.IndexOf(".")) $timeStamp = (Get-Date).ToString("yyyyMMdd_hhmmss") $outputPath = "$outputDir\$($inputFileName)_$($timeStamp)_" if ([string]::IsNullOrEmpty($option)){ Write-Log "Calling $blenderEXEPath -b $blendFileToRender -o $outputPath $option -t $threadCount $option" Debug & $blenderEXEPath -b $blendFileToRender -o "$outputPath" -t $threadCount } else{ Write-Log "Calling: $blenderEXEPath -b $blendFileToRender -o $outputPath $option -t $threadCount " Debug & $blenderEXEPath -b $blendFileToRender -o "$outputPath" $option -t $threadCount } [console]::beep(500,300) }Export-Modulemember -Function Invoke-BlenderRender |