function RunISE-DTWBeautifyScript { <# .SYNOPSIS Signs the current file in the ISE with the user's code-signing certificate. You must have a valid code-signing certificate in your personal certificate store for this to work. Prompts for save location if the file has not yet been saved. .NOTES Author: Matt McNabb Date: 8/22/2014 DISCLAIMER: This script is provided 'AS IS'. It has been tested for personal use, please test in a lab environment before using in a production environment. #> if ($host.Name -eq 'Windows PowerShell ISE Host') { function Get-FileSavePath { $SaveDialog = New-Object -TypeName System.Windows.Forms.SaveFileDialog $SaveDialog.Filter = 'Powershell Files(*.ps1;*.psm1;*.psd1;*.ps1xml;*.pssc*;*.cdxml)|*.ps1;*.psm1;*.psd1;*.ps1xml;*.pssc*;*.cdxml|All files (*.*)|*.*' $SaveDialog.FilterIndex = 1 $SaveDialog.RestoreDirectory = $true $SaveDialog.ShowDialog() $SaveDialog.FileName } $File = $psise.CurrentFile $Path = $File.FullPath if ($File.IsUntitled) { $Path = Get-FileSavePath $File.SaveAs($Path,[text.encoding]::utf8) } if (-not ($File.IsSaved)) { $File.Save([text.encoding]::utf8) } Edit-DTWBeautifyScript $Path $psise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Files.Remove($File) | Out-Null $psise.CurrentPowerShellTab.Files.Add($Path) | Out-Null } } Export-ModuleMember -Function RunISE-DTWBeautifyScript |