Function Test-Functionality{ <# .SYNOPSIS Perform some standard tests to make sure things work as expected .EXAMPLE Test-Functionality -F5Session $F5session -TestVirtualServer 'virt123' -TestVirtualServerIP '' -TestPool 'testpool123' -PoolMemberAddress '' #> [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSAvoidUsingWriteHost", "")] param ( $F5Session=$Script:F5Session, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$TestVirtualServer, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$TestVirtualServerIP, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$TestPool, [Parameter(Mandatory=$true)]$PoolMemberAddress ) $TestNotesColor = 'Cyan' Write-Host "-----`r`nBeginning test`r`n-----" -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Write-Host "* Get the failover status of the F5 device" -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Get-F5Status -F5Session $F5Session Write-Host "`r`n* Get a list of all pools" -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor $pools = Get-Pool -F5Session $F5Session | Select-Object -ExpandProperty fullPath $pools #Get the first pool. If there is only one, don't treat it as an array If ($pools -is [system.array]){ $FirstPool = $pools[0]; } Else { $FirstPool = $pools } Write-Host ("`r`n* Test whether the first pool in the list - " + $FirstPool + " - exists") -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Test-Pool -F5Session $F5Session -PoolName $FirstPool Write-Host ("`r`n* Get the pool " + $FirstPool) -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Get-Pool -F5Session $F5Session -PoolName $FirstPool Write-Host ("`r`n* Get members of the pool '" + $FirstPool + "'") -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Get-PoolMember -F5Session $F5Session -PoolName $FirstPool Write-Host ("`r`n* Get the status of all members in the " + $FirstPool + " pool") -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Get-PoolMember -F5Session $F5Session -PoolName $FirstPool | Select-Object -Property name,session,state Write-Host "`r`n* Create a new pool named '$TestPool'" -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor New-Pool -F5Session $F5Session -PoolName $TestPool -LoadBalancingMode dynamic-ratio-member Write-Host "`r`n* Add the computer $PoolMember to the pool '$TestPool'" -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Add-PoolMember -F5Session $F5Session -Address $PoolMemberAddress -PortNumber 80 -PoolName $TestPool -Status Enabled Write-Host "`r`n* Get the new pool member" -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Get-PoolMember -F5Session $F5Session -Address $PoolMemberAddress -PoolName $TestPool Write-Host "`r`n* Get the IP address for the new pool member" -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Get-PoolMember -F5Session $F5Session -Address $PoolMemberAddress -PoolName $TestPool | Select-Object -ExpandProperty address Write-Host "`r`n* Get all pools of which this pool member is a member" -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Get-PoolsForMember -F5Session $F5Session -Address $PoolMemberAddress Write-Host "`r`n* Get the number of current connections for this pool member" -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Get-PoolMemberStats -F5Session $F5Session -Address $PoolMemberAddress -PoolName $TestPool | Select-Object -ExpandProperty 'serverside.curConns' Write-Host "`r`n* Disable the new pool member" -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Disable-PoolMember -F5Session $F5Session -Address $PoolMemberAddress -PoolName $TestPool Write-Host "`r`n* Get the status of the new pool member" -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor $PoolMemberStatus = Get-PoolMember -F5Session $F5Session -Address $PoolMemberAddress -PoolName $TestPool | Select-Object -Property name,session,state $PoolMemberStatus Write-Host "`r`n* Set the pool member description to 'My new pool' and retrieve it" -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Write-Host "Old description:" #NB: If there is not description for the pool member, no Description propery is returned. Get-PoolMember -F5Session $F5Session -Address $PoolMemberAddress -PoolName $TestPool | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Description -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue Set-PoolMemberDescription -F5Session $F5Session -Address $PoolMemberAddress -PoolName $TestPool -Description 'My new pool' | out-null Write-Host "New description:" Get-PoolMember -F5Session $F5Session -Address $PoolMemberAddress -PoolName $TestPool | Select-Object -ExpandProperty Description Write-Host "`r`n* Enable the new pool member" -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Enable-PoolMember -F5Session $F5Session -Address $PoolMemberAddress -PoolName $TestPool Write-Host "`r`n* Remove the new pool member from the pool" -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Remove-PoolMember -F5Session $F5Session -Address $PoolMemberAddress -PoolName $TestPool Write-Host "`r`n* Get a list of all virtual servers" -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor $virtualServers = Get-VirtualServer -F5Session $F5Session | Select-Object -ExpandProperty fullPath $virtualServers If ($virtualServers -is [array]){ $firstVirtualServer = $virtualServers[0] } Else { $firstVirtualServer = $virtualServers } Write-Host ("`r`n* Test whether the first virtual server in the list - " + $firstVirtualServer + " - exists") -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Test-VirtualServer -F5Session $F5Session -VirtualServerName $firstVirtualServer Write-Host ("`r`n* Get the virtual server '" + $firstVirtualServer + "'") -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Get-VirtualServer -F5Session $F5Session -VirtualServerName $firstVirtualServer Write-Host "`r`n* Create a new virtual server named '$TestVirtualServer'" -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor New-VirtualServer -F5Session $F5Session -VirtualServerName $TestVirtualServer -Description 'description' -DestinationIP $TestVirtualServerIP -DestinationPort '80' -DefaultPool $TestPool -IPProtocol 'tcp' -ProfileNames 'http' Write-Host ("`r`n* Retrieve all iRules on the F5 LTM device.") -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor $iRules = Get-iRule -F5Session $F5Session Write-Output ("- This can be a large collection. The first entry found is:") Write-Output $iRules[0] Write-Host ("`r`n* Add the iRule '_sys_https_redirect' to the new virtual server '$TestVirtualServer'") -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Add-iRuleToVirtualServer -F5Session $F5Session -VirtualServer $TestVirtualServer -iRuleName '_sys_https_redirect' Write-Host "`r`n* Get all iRules assigned to '$TestVirtualServer'" -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Get-VirtualServer -F5Session $F5Session -VirtualServer $TestVirtualServer | Select-Object -ExpandProperty rules Write-Host ("`r`n* Remove the '_sys_https_redirect' iRule from the new virtual server '$TestVirtualServer'") -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Remove-iRuleFromVirtualServer -F5Session $F5Session -VirtualServer $TestVirtualServer -iRuleName '_sys_https_redirect' Write-Host "`r`n* Remove the new virtual server '$TestVirtualServer'" -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Write-Host "(This will raise a confirmation prompt unless -confirm is set to false)" -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Remove-VirtualServer -F5Session $F5Session -VirtualServerName $TestVirtualServer Write-Host "`r`n* Remove the new pool '$TestPool'" -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Write-Host "(This will raise a confirmation prompt unless -confirm is set to false)" -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor Remove-Pool -F5Session $F5Session -PoolName $TestPool Write-Host "-----`r`nTest complete`r`n-----" -ForegroundColor $TestNotesColor } |