
Function New-Pool {
    Create a new pool. Optionally, add pool members to the new pool
    Expects the $MemberDefinitionList param to be an array of strings.
    Each string should contain a computer name and a port number, comma-separated.
    Optionally, it can contain a description of the member.
    # The MemberDefinitionList can accept a server name / IP address, a port number, a description and a route domain value.
    New-Pool -F5Session $F5Session -PoolName "MyPoolName" -MemberDefinitionList @("Server1,80,Web server,1","Server2,443,Another web server,2")
    If you don't use route domains, leave that value blank.

    param (




    begin {
        #Test that the F5 session is in a valid format

        $URI = ($F5Session.BaseURL + "pool")
    process {
        foreach ($poolname in $Name) {
            $newitem = New-F5Item -Name $poolname -Partition $Partition
            #Check whether the specified pool already exists
            If (Test-Pool -F5session $F5Session -Name $newitem.Name -Partition $newitem.Partition){
                Write-Error "The $($newitem.FullPath) pool already exists."
            Else {
                #Start building the JSON for the action
                $JSONBody = @{name=$newitem.Name;partition=$newitem.Partition;description=$Description;loadBalancingMode=$LoadBalancingMode;members=@()} | ConvertTo-Json

                Invoke-F5RestMethod -Method POST -Uri "$URI" -F5Session $F5Session -Body $JSONBody -ContentType 'application/json' -ErrorMessage ("Failed to create the $($newitem.FullPath) pool.") -AsBoolean
                ForEach ($MemberDefinition in $MemberDefinitionList){

                    #split out comma-separated member definition values
                    $Node,$PortNumber,$MemberDescription,$RouteDomain = $MemberDefinition -split ','

                    #If a route domain is included in the member defintion, then pass it to Add-PoolMember
                    #JN: At a later date, I'd like to update Add-PoolMember to accept splated params
                    If ($RouteDomain -ne ''){
                        $null = Add-PoolMember -F5Session $F5Session -PoolName $Name -Partition $Partition -Name $Node -PortNumber $PortNumber -Description $MemberDescription -Status Enabled -RouteDomain $RouteDomain
                    Else {
                        $null = Add-PoolMember -F5Session $F5Session -PoolName $Name -Partition $Partition -Name $Node -PortNumber $PortNumber -Description $MemberDescription -Status Enabled