
Function New-F5Session{
    Generate an F5 session object to be used in querying and modifying the F5 LTM
    This function takes the DNS name or IP address of the F5 LTM device, and a PSCredential credential object
    for a user with permissions to work with the REST API. Based on the scope value, it either returns the
    session object (local scope) or adds the session object to the script scope
    It takes an optional parameter of TokenLifespan, a value in seconds between 300 and 36000 (5 minutes and 10 hours).
    NB: If you need to connect to an LTM on other than the standard HTTPS port of 443, please include that port in the LTM name. I.e. $LTMName = ''

    [Diagnostics.CodeAnalysis.SuppressMessageAttribute("PSUseShouldProcessForStateChangingFunctions", "")]
    If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt '7.2') {
        $OriginalWarningPreference = $WarningPreference
        If ($PSBoundParameters.ContainsKey('WarningAction')) {
            $WarningPreference = $PSBoundParameters['WarningAction']
        } else {
            $WarningPreference = 'SilentlyContinue'
    $BaseURL = "https://$LTMName/mgmt/tm/ltm/"

    $session = New-Object Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.WebRequestSession

    #First, we attempt to get an authorization token. We need an auth token to do anything for LTMs using external authentication, including getting the LTM version.
    #If we fail to get an auth token, that means the LTM version is prior to 11.6, so we fall back on Credentials
    $AuthURL = "https://$LTMName/mgmt/shared/authn/login"
    $JSONBody = @{username = $LTMCredentials.username; password=$LTMCredentials.GetNetworkCredential().password; loginProviderName='tmos'} | ConvertTo-Json -WarningAction $WarningPreference

    try {
        $Result = Invoke-RestMethodOverride -Method POST -Uri $AuthURL -Body $JSONBody -Credential $LTMCredentials -ContentType 'application/json'

        $Token = $Result.token.token
        $session.Headers.Add('X-F5-Auth-Token', $Token)

        #A UUID is returned by LTM v11.6. This is needed for modifying the token.
        #For v12+, the name value is used.
        If ($Result.token.uuid){
            $TokenReference = $Result.token.uuid;
        Else {
            $TokenReference = $;

        #If a value for TokenLifespan was passed in, then patch the token with this expiration value
        #Max value is 36000 seconds (10 hours)
        If ($TokenLifespan -ne 1200){

            $Body = @{ timeout = $TokenLifespan  }  | ConvertTo-Json -WarningAction $WarningPreference
            $Headers = @{
                'X-F5-Auth-Token' = $Token

            Invoke-RestMethodOverride -Method Patch -Uri https://$LTMName/mgmt/shared/authz/tokens/$TokenReference -Headers $Headers -Body $Body -WebSession $session | Out-Null


        # Add token expiration time to session
        $ts = New-TimeSpan -Minutes ($TokenLifespan/60)
        $date = Get-Date -Date $Result.token.startTime
        $ExpirationTime = $date + $ts
        $session.Headers.Add('Token-Expiration', $ExpirationTime)

    } catch {
        # We failed to retrieve an authorization token. Either the version of the LTM is pre 11.6, or the $LTMName is not valid
        # Verify that the LTM base URL is available. Otherwise return a message saying the LTM specified is not valid.
        Try {
            Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $BaseURL -ErrorVariable LTMError -TimeoutSec 3
        Catch {
            #If an error is thrown and it doesn't contain the word 'Unauthorized' then the LTM name and $BaseURL are invalid
            If ($LTMError[0] -notmatch 'Unauthorized'){
                Throw ("The specified LTM name $LTMName is not valid.")
        # fall back to Credentials
        Write-Verbose "The version must be prior to 11.6 since we failed to retrieve an auth token."
        $Credential = $LTMCredentials

     $newSession = [pscustomobject]@{
            Name       = $LTMName
            BaseURL    = $BaseURL
            Credential = $Credential
            WebSession = $session
            Token      = $Token
        } | Add-Member -Name GetLink -MemberType ScriptMethod {
                $Link -replace 'localhost', $this.Name
    } -PassThru

    If ($PSVersionTable.PSVersion -lt '7.2') {
        $WarningPreference = $OriginalWarningPreference

    # Since we've connected to the LTM, we can now retrieve the device version
    # We'll add it to the session object and reference it in cases where the iControlREST web services differ between LTM versions.
    $VersionURL = $BaseURL.Replace('ltm/','sys/version/')
    $JSON = Invoke-F5RestMethod -Method Get -Uri $VersionURL -F5Session $newSession | ConvertTo-Json -WarningAction $WarningPreference -Depth 10

    $version = '' # Default value, rather than throw error
    if ($JSON -match '(\d+\.?){3,4}') {
        $version = [Regex]::Match($JSON,'(\d+\.?){3,4}').Value
    $newSession | Add-Member -Name LTMVersion -Value ([Version]$version) -MemberType NoteProperty

    #If the Default switch is set, and/or if no script-scoped F5Session exists, then set the script-scoped F5Session
    If ($Default -or !($Script:F5Session)){
        $Script:F5Session = $newSession

    #If the Passthrough switch is set, then return the created F5Session object.
    If ($PassThru){