
Function Add-iRuleToVirtualServer {
    Add an iRule to the specified virtual server
    This function defaults to the /Common partition





    begin {
        #Test that the F5 session is in a valid format
    process {
        switch($PSCmdLet.ParameterSetName) {
            InputObject {
                #Verify that the iRule exists on the F5 LTM
                $iRule = Get-iRule -F5session $F5Session -Name $iRuleName -Partition $Partition
                If ($null -eq $iRule){
                    Write-Error "The $iRuleName iRule does not exist in this F5 LTM."
                } else {
                    $iRuleFullName = $iRule.fullPath
                    foreach($virtualserver in $InputObject) {
                        #Get the existing IRules on the virtual server
                        [array]$iRules = $virtualserver | Select-Object -ExpandProperty rules -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue

                        #If there are no iRules on this virtual server, then create a new array
                        If (!$iRules){
                            $iRules = @()

                        #Check that the specified iRule is not already in the collection
                        If ($iRules -match $iRuleFullName){
                            Write-Warning "The $Name virtual server already contains the $iRuleFullName iRule."
                        Else {
                            $iRules += $iRuleFullName

                            $URI = $F5Session.GetLink($virtualServer.selfLink)

                            $JSONBody = @{rules=$iRules} | ConvertTo-Json

                            Invoke-F5RestMethod -Method PATCH -Uri "$URI" -F5Session $F5Session -Body $JSONBody -ContentType 'application/json' -ErrorMessage "Failed to add the $iRuleFullName iRule to the $Name virtual server." -AsBoolean
            Name {
                $virtualservers = $Name | Get-VirtualServer -F5Session $F5Session -Partition $Partition

                if ($null -eq $virtualservers) {
                    Write-Warning "No virtual servers found."
                $virtualservers | Add-iRuleToVirtualServer -F5session $F5Session -iRuleName $iRuleName -Partition $Partition