
    Invokes a command from the extended PowerShell command history.
    The Invoke-ExtendedHistory function allows you to retrieve and execute a command from the extended PowerShell command history.
    You can specify the index of the command you want to execute.
    Specifies the index of the command to execute from the extended history.
    Invoke-ExtendedHistory -i 10
    Invokes the command at index 10 from the extended history.
    File Name : Invoke-ExtendedHistory.ps1
    Author : Ole Rand-Hendriksen
    Prerequisite : PowerShell Version 3.0 or later
    Copyright 2023 - Ole Rand-Hendriksen. All rights reserved.

function Invoke-ExtendedHistory {
    param (
        [Parameter(Position = 0, Mandatory = $true, ValueFromPipeline = $false)]

    # Call the Split-History function to split the history into coherent commands
    $hist = Split-History

    # Retrieve the command at the specified index
    $ScriptBlock = [scriptblock]::Create($hist[$i])
    write-host $ScriptBlock
    invoke-command -ScriptBlock $ScriptBlock