.VERSION 1.0 .GUID eaacbf4c-d41c-49a7-b4bb-166895b55190 .AUTHOR Vikas Sukhija .COMPANYNAME .COPYRIGHT .TAGS .LICENSEURI .PROJECTURI https://techwizard.cloud/2020/02/18/export-direct-reports-attributes-under-from-list-of-managers/ .ICONURI .EXTERNALMODULEDEPENDENCIES .REQUIREDSCRIPTS .EXTERNALSCRIPTDEPENDENCIES .RELEASENOTES https://techwizard.cloud/2020/02/18/export-direct-reports-attributes-under-from-list-of-managers/ .PRIVATEDATA #> <# .DESCRIPTION This will export direct reports attributes of specified networkids #> #> param ( [string]$Userlist = $(Read-Host "Enter Text file with Network accounts") ) function Write-Log { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'Create')] [array]$Name, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'Create')] [string]$Ext, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'Create')] [string]$folder, [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Create',Position = 0)][switch]$Create, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'Message')] [String]$Message, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true,ParameterSetName = 'Message')] [String]$path, [Parameter(Mandatory = $false,ParameterSetName = 'Message')] [ValidateSet('Information','Warning','Error')] [string]$Severity = 'Information', [Parameter(ParameterSetName = 'Message',Position = 0)][Switch]$MSG ) switch ($PsCmdlet.ParameterSetName) { "Create" { $log = @() $date1 = Get-Date -Format d $date1 = $date1.ToString().Replace("/", "-") $time = Get-Date -Format t $time = $time.ToString().Replace(":", "-") $time = $time.ToString().Replace(" ", "") foreach ($n in $Name) {$log += (Get-Location).Path + "\" + $folder + "\" + $n + "_" + $date1 + "_" + $time + "_.$Ext"} return $log } "Message" { $date = Get-Date $concatmessage = "|$date" + "| |" + $Message +"| |" + "$Severity|" switch($Severity){ "Information"{Write-Host -Object $concatmessage -ForegroundColor Green} "Warning"{Write-Host -Object $concatmessage -ForegroundColor Yellow} "Error"{Write-Host -Object $concatmessage -ForegroundColor Red} } Add-Content -Path $path -Value $concatmessage } } } #Function Write-Log function start-ProgressBar { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] $Title, [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [int]$Timer ) For ($i = 1; $i -le $Timer; $i++) { Start-Sleep -Seconds 1; Write-Progress -Activity $Title -Status "$i" -PercentComplete ($i /10 * 100) } } #################Check if logs folder is created################## $logpath = (Get-Location).path + "\logs" $testlogpath = Test-Path -Path $logpath if($testlogpath -eq $false) { start-ProgressBar -Title "Creating logs folder" -Timer 10 New-Item -Path (Get-Location).path -Name Logs -Type directory } $Reportpath = (Get-Location).path + "\Report" $testlogpath = Test-Path -Path $Reportpath if($testlogpath -eq $false) { start-ProgressBar -Title "Creating Report folder" -Timer 10 New-Item -Path (Get-Location).path -Name Report -Type directory } ####################Load variables and log####################### $log = Write-Log -Name "DirecrReports-Log" -folder "logs" -Ext "log" $Report = Write-Log -Name "Directreports-Report" -folder "Report" -Ext "csv" $users = Get-Content $Userlist $collection = @() Write-Log -Message "Start Script" -path $log ########################Load Modules############################# try{ Import-Module ActiveDirectory } catch{ $exception = $_.Exception Write-Log -Message "Error loading AD Module Loaded" -path $log -Severity Error Write-Log -Message $exception -path $log -Severity error ProgressBar -Title "Error loading AD Module Loaded - EXIT" -Timer 10 Exit } ########################Process users############################# $users | ForEach-Object{ $error.clear() $user = $_.trim() Write-Log -Message "Processing..............$user" -path $log $directrports = Get-ADUser -id $user -Properties directreports | Select -ExpandProperty directreports $directrports | ForEach-Object{ $mcoll = "" | Select Manager,FirstName, LastName, EmailAddress,Department, Location, Employeeid $mcoll.Manager = $user $userid = get-aduser -id $_ -properties mail,department,l,Employeeid $mcoll.FirstName = $userid.GivenName $mcoll.LastName = $userid.SurName $mcoll.EmailAddress = $userid.mail $mcoll.Department = $userid.Department $mcoll.Location = $userid.L $mcoll.Employeeid = $userid.Employeeid $collection+=$mcoll Write-Log -Message "$mcoll" -path $log } } $collection | Export-Csv $Report -NoTypeInformation Write-Log -Message "Finish Script" -path $log ########################################################################### |