
$version = "1.0.0"

$InformationPreference = 'Continue'
$ErrorActionPreference = 'Stop'

function writelog {
    # Simple logging function with timestamp added
    if ($verbose) {
        Write-verbose "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff'))`t$message"
    else {
        write-information "$((Get-Date).ToString('yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff'))`t$message"

class Contexts {
    # load required context data so it is easy to access by subscription name or Id
    [System.Collections.Generic.List[PSCustomObject]]$contexts = @()
    hidden [hashtable] $contextsByName = @{}
    hidden [hashtable] $contextsById = @{}
    [hashtable] $tenantsById = @{}

    Contexts() {

        foreach ($tenant in get-aztenant) {
            $this.tenantsById[$tenant.Id] = $tenant.Name

        foreach ($context in Get-AzContext -ListAvailable) {
            $this.contextsByName[$context.Subscription.Name] = ($this.contexts.count - 1)
            $this.contextsById[$context.Subscription.Id] = ($this.contexts.count - 1)


    [PSCustomObject] get([string] $nameOrId) {
        if ($this.contextsByName.ContainsKey($nameOrId)) {
            return $this.contexts[$this.contextsByName[$nameOrId]]
        elseif ($this.contextsById.ContainsKey($nameOrId)) {
            return  $this.contexts[$this.contextsById[$nameOrId]]
        return $null

    [PSCustomObject] exists([string] $nameOrId) {
        if ($this.contextsByName.ContainsKey($nameOrId)) {
            return $true
        elseif ($this.contextsById.ContainsKey($nameOrId)) {
            return  $true
        return $false

    [PSCustomObject[]] enumerate() {
        return $this.contexts | Sort-Object { $_.subscription.name }


enum scopeType {
    unknown = -1
    root = 0
    managementGroup = 1
    subscription = 2
    resourceGroup = 3
    resource = 4

enum objectType {
    group = 0
    user = 1
    servicePrincipal = 2

Class RoleAssignment {

    [string] $scope
    [string] $scopeType
    [string] $role
    [string] $objectName
    [string] $objectType
    [string] $filename

    RoleAssignment() {


    RoleAssignment([pscustomobject] $assignment) {
        $this.scope = $assignment.scope
        $this.scopeType = $assignment.scopeType
        $this.role = $assignment.role
        $this.objectName = $assignment.objectName
        $this.objectType = $assignment.objectType
        $this.filename = $assignment.filename

    RoleAssignment([string] $scope, [string] $scopeType, [string] $role, [string] $objectName, [string] $objectType, [string] $filename) {
        $this.scope = $scope
        $this.scopeType = $scopeType
        $this.role = $role
        $this.objectName = $objectName
        $this.objectType = $objectType
        $this.filename = $filename

    [string] tostring() {
        return $this | convertto-json -Depth 10

class Tag {
    [string] $filename
    [string] $scope
    [string] $scopeType
    [string] $name
    [string] $value

    Tag() {


    Tag([PSCustomObject]$tag) {
        $this.filename = $tag.filename
        $this.scope = $tag.scope
        $this.scopeType = $tag.scopeType
        $this.name = $tag.name
        $this.value = $tag.value

    Tag([string] $filename, [string] $scope, [string] $scopeType, [string] $name, [string] $value) {
        $this.filename = $filename
        $this.scope = $scope
        $this.scopeType = $scopeType
        $this.name = $name
        $this.value = $value


class ResourceGroup {
    [string] $resourceGroupName
    [string] $Location
    [string] $ResourceId

class ResourceGroupFileData {

    ResourceGroupFileData([string] $resourceGroupName, [string] $location, $tags, [System.Collections.Generic.List[pscustomobject]] $assignments) {
        $this.resourceGroupName = $resourceGroupName
        $this.location = $location
        $this.tags = $tags
        $this.assignments = $assignments

    [string] $resourceGroupName
    [string] $location
    [System.Collections.Generic.List[pscustomobject]] $assignments

class FileData {

    FileData([hashtable] $tags, [System.Collections.Generic.List[pscustomobject]] $assignments) {
        $this.tags = $tags
        $this.assignments = $assignments

    [hashtable] $tags
    [System.Collections.Generic.List[pscustomobject]] $assignments

class FilePaths {

    # Used to convert file paths from containing subscription IDs to Subscription Names and vice versa
    # e.g. "filename": "/subscriptions/29801f9a-9479-43be-a612-a92e4dfc7b23" --> "/subscriptions/OSS-SUB-DEV"

    hidden [hashtable] $subscriptionsByName = @{}
    hidden [hashtable] $subscriptionsById = @{}

    FilePaths($azcontexts) {

        foreach ($context in $azcontexts.enumerate()) {
            $this.Add($context.Subscription.Id, $context.Subscription.Name)

    Add([string] $id, [string] $name) {
        $this.subscriptionsByName[$name] = $id
        $this.subscriptionsById[$id] = $name

    [string] ConvertToName($filename) {

        if ($filename -match '/subscriptions/([^/]*)') {
            $subId = $matches[1]
            $subName = $this.subscriptionsById[$subId]
            return $filename.replace("/subscriptions/$subId", "/subscriptions/$subName")

        return $filename


    [string] ConvertToId($filename) {

        if ($filename -match '/subscriptions/([^/]*)') {
            $subName = $matches[1]
            $subId = $this.subscriptionsByName[$subName]
            return $filename.replace("/subscriptions/$subName", "/subscriptions/$subId")

        return $filename



class RoleAssignmentData {
    hidden $subscriptions
    hidden $outputFormat
    $fromAzureAssignments = [System.Collections.Generic.List[RoleAssignment]]::new()
    hidden [hashtable] $fromAzureAssignmentsHash = @{} # used to ensure no duplicates
    hidden [hashtable] $fromAzureAssignmentsfileIndex = @{}

    $fromAzureResourceGroups = @{}

    $fromAzureTags = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Tag]]::new()
    hidden [hashtable] $fromAzureTagsHash = @{} # used to ensure no duplicates
    hidden [hashtable] $fromAzureTagsfileIndex = @{}

    hidden $contexts

    hidden $FilePaths
    RoleAssignmentData($contexts) {
        $this.contexts = $contexts
        $this.FilePaths = [FilePaths]::new($this.contexts)

    hidden [void] fromAzureAssignmentAdd([pscustomobject] $assignment) {

        $RoleAssignment = [RoleAssignment]::new()
        $RoleAssignment.scopeType, $RoleAssignment.fileName = $this.getScopeTypeandFileName($assignment.scope)
        $RoleAssignment.scope = $assignment.scope -replace $RoleAssignment.fileName, ""
        $RoleAssignment.role = $assignment.RoleDefinitionName
        $RoleAssignment.ObjectType = $assignment.ObjectType

        if ($assignment.ObjectType -eq "user") {
            $RoleAssignment.objectName = $assignment.SignInName
        else {
            $RoleAssignment.objectName = $assignment.DisplayName

        $Hash = "{0}`t{1}`t{2}`t{3}`t{4}" -f $RoleAssignment.fileName, $RoleAssignment.scope, $RoleAssignment.role, $RoleAssignment.ObjectType, $RoleAssignment.objectName

        if ($this.fromAzureAssignmentsHash.ContainsKey($Hash)) {
            # Already exists
        else {
            $index = $this.fromAzureAssignments.count - 1

            $this.fromAzureIndexAssignmentFile($RoleAssignment.fileName, $index)
            $this.fromAzureAssignmentsHash[$hash] = 1

        # $this.identities.add([AADIdentity]::new($RoleAssignment.objectName, $assignment.ObjectId, $RoleAssignment.ObjectType, [AADIdentitySource]::azure))


    hidden [void] fromAzureTagAdd($rg) {

        $tags = $rg.tags

        $scope = $rg.ResourceId
        $scopeType, $fileName = $this.getScopeTypeandFileName($scope)
        $scope = $scope -replace $fileName, ""

        foreach ($key in $tags.keys) {

            $newTag = [Tag]::new($fileName, $scope, $scopeType, $key, $tags[$key])
            $Hash = "{0}`t{1}`t{2}`t{3}" -f $newTag.fileName, $newTag.scope, $newTag.scopeType, $newTag.name

            if ($this.fromAzureTagsHash.ContainsKey($Hash)) {
                # Already exists
            else {
                $index = $this.fromAzureTags.count - 1

                $this.fromAzureIndexTagFile($newTag.fileName, $index)
                $this.fromAzureTagsHash[$hash] = 1

    hidden [void] fromAzureIndexAssignmentFile($fileName, $index) {
        if (-not $this.fromAzureAssignmentsfileIndex.ContainsKey($fileName)) {
            $indexList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[int]]::new()
            $this.fromAzureAssignmentsfileIndex[$fileName] = $indexList
        else {

    hidden [void] fromAzureIndexTagFile($fileName, $index) {
        if (-not $this.fromAzureTagsfileIndex.ContainsKey($fileName)) {
            $indexList = [System.Collections.Generic.List[int]]::new()
            $this.fromAzureTagsfileIndex[$fileName] = $indexList
        else {

    hidden [array] getScopeTypeandFileName($scope) {
        # return scopetype, filename

        if ($scope -match '/subscriptions/([^/]*)/resourceGroups/([^/]*)$') {
            return @([scopetype]::resourceGroup, $scope)
        elseif ($scope -match '(/subscriptions/([^/]*)/resourceGroups/([^/]*))/providers/(.*)$') {
            return @([scopetype]::resource, $Matches[1])
        elseif ($scope -match '/providers/Microsoft.Management/managementGroups/(.*)$') {
            return @([scopetype]::managementGroup, "/managementGroups/$($Matches[1])")
        elseif ($scope -match '/subscriptions/([^/]*)$') {
            return @([scopetype]::subscription, $scope)
        elseif ($scope -eq '/') {
            return @([scopetype]::root, "/root")
        else {
            return @([scopetype]::unknown, $scope)

    hidden [System.Collections.Generic.List[RoleAssignment]] FromAzureGetAssignmentsForFile($fileName) {

        $FromAzureGetAssignmentsForFile = [System.Collections.Generic.List[RoleAssignment]]::new()
        foreach ($assignmentIndex in $this.fromAzureAssignmentsfileIndex[$fileName]) {
        return $FromAzureGetAssignmentsForFile

    hidden [System.Collections.Generic.List[pscustomobject]] MinimiseAssignments($assignments) {
        # to minimise json file size/compexity this removes scope if blank and scopeType (as known from file location)
        $MinimisedAssigments = [System.Collections.Generic.List[pscustomobject]]::new()
        foreach ($assignment in $assignments) {
            if ( $assignment.scope -eq "") {
                $MinimisedAssigments.Add( ($assignment | Select-Object -Property role, objectName, objectType) )
            else {
                $MinimisedAssigments.Add( ($assignment | Select-Object -Property role, objectName, objectType, scope) )

        return $MinimisedAssigments

    hidden [System.Collections.Generic.List[Tag]] FromAzureGetTagsForFile($fileName) {

        $FromAzureGetTagsForFile = [System.Collections.Generic.List[Tag]]::new()
        foreach ($tagIndex in $this.fromAzureTagsfileIndex[$fileName]) {
        return $FromAzureGetTagsForFile

    [void] getData($subscriptions) {

        if ($subscriptions[0] -eq "*") {
            $this.subscriptions = $this.contexts.enumerate().subscription.name
        else {
            $this.subscriptions = $subscriptions

        foreach ($sub in $this.subscriptions) {
            writelog "Processing $sub"
            $context = $this.contexts.get($sub)
            if (!$context) {
                throw "Subscription not found: $sub"


    [void] getRoleAssignments($context) {

        $result = Get-AzRoleAssignment -DefaultProfile $context -WarningAction SilentlyContinue
        foreach ($assignment in $result) {

        writelog " $($this.fromAzureAssignments.count) Role Assignments loaded from Azure"


    hidden [void] getResourceGroupsAndTags($context) {

        $result = (Get-AzResourceGroup -DefaultProfile $context | Where-Object ManagedBy -eq $null)

        foreach ($rg in $result) {

            $rgnew = [ResourceGroup]::new()
            $rgnew.resourceGroupName = $rg.ResourceGroupName
            $rgnew.location = $rg.Location
            $rgnew.ResourceId = $rg.ResourceId

            $this.fromAzureResourceGroups.Add($rgnew.ResourceId, $rgnew)

        writelog " $($this.fromAzureResourceGroups.Count) Resource Groups loaded from Azure"
        writelog " $($this.fromAzureTags.count) Resource Group Tags loaded from Azure"


    [void] fromAzureCreateFiles($rootFolder, $outputFormat) {

        $this.outputFormat = $outputFormat

        $filesToCreate = @{}

        # Create files for any detected assignments
        foreach ($fileName in $this.fromAzureAssignmentsfileIndex.keys) {
            $filesToCreate[$fileName] = 1

        # need to also create files for resource groups that have no assignments
        foreach ($fileName in $this.FromAzureResourceGroups.Keys) {
            $filesToCreate[$fileName] = 1

        # need to also create files for subscriptions that have no assignments
        Foreach ($sub in $this.subscriptions) {
            $subid = $this.Contexts.get($sub).subscription.id
            $filesToCreate["/subscriptions/$subid"] = 1

        foreach ($fileName in $filesToCreate.keys | sort-object) {
            $parent = split-Path -Path $this.FilePaths.ConvertToName("$rootFolder$fileName") -Parent

            if (-not (Test-Path "$parent")) {
                mkdir "$parent"

            $assignments = ($this.FromAzureGetAssignmentsForFile($fileName) |
                select-object -Property scope, scopeType, role, objectName, objectType |
                Sort-Object filename, scope, scopeType, role, objectName, objectType)

            $tags = @{}
            $tags = [ordered]@{}
            ($this.FromAzureGetTagsForFile($fileName) |
            select-object -Property name, value |
            Sort-Object filename, name, value) | ForEach-Object { $tags.Add($_.name, $_.value) }

            if ($fileName -like '*/resourceGroups/*') {

                # remove scope and scopetype from resource group assignments
                $minAssignments = $this.MinimiseAssignments($assignments)

                $rg = $this.FromAzureResourceGroups[$fileName]
                $rgFileData = [ResourceGroupFileData]::new($rg.resourceGroupName, $rg.location, $tags, $minAssignments)
                $this.writeToFile($rgFileData, "$rootFolder$fileName")
            else {

                # set name of the file for subscription, managementgroup, or root
                $name = 'subscription.$($this.fileextension)'
                Switch -Wildcard ($fileName) {
                    '/root' {
                        $name = 'root'
                    '/managementGroups/*' {
                        $name = 'managementgroup'
                    '/subscriptions/*' {
                        $name = 'subscription'

                # TODO
                if (-not (Test-Path $this.FilePaths.ConvertToName("$rootFolder$fileName"))) {
                    mkdir $this.FilePaths.ConvertToName("$rootFolder$fileName")

                $minAssignments = $this.MinimiseAssignments($assignments)
                $FileData = [FileData]::new($tags, $minAssignments)
                $this.writeToFile($FileData, "$rootFolder$fileName/$name")



    [string] formatJson([pscustomobject]$object) {
        return $this.formatJson([string]($object |  ConvertTo-Json -Depth 100))

    [string] formatJson([string]$json) {

        $IndentStack = [system.collections.stack]::new()
        [string] $output = ""

        [bool] $inString = $false

        foreach ($line in $json -split '\n') {

            $SOLIndent = $IndentStack.Count

            # loop through each character icrementing or decrementing
            $lastChar = ''
            foreach ($i in $line.ToCharArray()) {

                if ($IndentStack.Count -gt 0 -and $IndentStack.Peek() -eq '"') {
                    $inString = $true
                else {
                    $inString = $false

                if ($i -eq '[' -and -not $inString) {
                elseif ($i -eq '{' -and -not $inString ) {
                elseif ($i -eq '"' -and -not $inString) {
                elseif ($i -eq ']' -and -not $inString) {
                    $null = $IndentStack.Pop()
                elseif ($i -eq '}' -and -not $inString) {
                    $null = $IndentStack.Pop()
                elseif ($i -eq '"' -and $lastChar -ne '\') {
                    $null = $IndentStack.Pop()
                $lastChar = $i

            $EOLIndent = $IndentStack.Count

            if ($EOLIndent -lt $SOLIndent) {
                $line = ' ' * $EOLIndent * 4 + $line.Trim().Replace(': ', ': ').Replace('\u0027', "'").Replace('\u003c', "<").Replace('\u003e', ">").Replace('\u0026', "&")
            else {
                $line = ' ' * $SOLIndent * 4 + $line.Trim().Replace(': ', ': ').Replace('\u0027', "'").Replace('\u003c', "<").Replace('\u003e', ">").Replace('\u0026', "&")
            if ($line.Trim() -ne "") { $output += "$line`n" }

        return $output.Substring(0, $output.Length - 1)

    [void] writeToFile([pscustomobject]$object, [string] $filename) {

        $jsonData = $this.formatJson($object)
        $outputFileName = $this.FilePaths.ConvertToName("$filename")

        if ($this.outputFormat -eq "YAML") {
            $yamldata = ($jsonData | ConvertFrom-Json | ConvertTo-yaml)
            writelog " Creating file ${outputFileName}.yaml" -verbose
            $yamldata | Out-File $this.FilePaths.ConvertToName("$filename.yaml") -NoNewline
        else {
            writelog " Creating file ${outputFileName}.json" -verbose
            $jsonData | Out-File $this.FilePaths.ConvertToName("$filename.json") -NoNewline



    Export role assignments, resource groups, and resource group tags from Azure to YAML or JSON files.
    Loops through subscriptions, exporting role assignments, resource groups, and resource group tags, and creates a separate YAML or JSON file for each resource group, subscription, or management group.
    Use connect-azaccount to logon first.
.PARAMETER Subscriptions
    Specifies the subscriptions to process.
    Defaults to '*'
    Specifies the path to the output folder.
    The folder will be created if it does not exist.
    Defaults to '.\output'
    Specifies the file format.
    YAML or JSON.
    Defaults to YAML.
    PS> Export-AzureRoleAssignment
    Export role assignments, for all subscriptions you have access to, to YAML files.
    PS> Export-AzureRoleAssignment -Format JSON
    Export role assignments, for all subscriptions you have access to, to JSON files.
    PS> Export-AzureRoleAssignment -Subscriptions OSX-SUB-DEV, OSX-SUB-SIT
    Export role assignments, for subscriptions OSX-SUB-DEV and OSX-SUB-SIT, to YAML files.
    PS> Export-AzureRoleAssignment -Format JSON
    Export role assignments, for all subscriptions you have access to, to JSON files.

function Export-AzureRoleAssignment {
    param (
        [string[]] $Subscriptions = @("*"),
        [string] $Path = ".\output",
        [ValidateSet("JSON", "YAML")]
        [string] $Format = "YAML"

    writelog "Export-AzureRoleAssignment started ($version)" -verbose

    # get required context (subscription) data
    $contexts = [Contexts]::new()

    # get role assignment data for each subscription
    $roleAssignmentData = [RoleAssignmentData]::new($contexts)

    writelog "Write data to file: $path"
    $roleAssignmentData.fromAzureCreateFiles($Path, $Format)

    writelog "Export-AzureRoleAssignment completed ($version)" -verbose

Export-ModuleMember -function Export-AzureRoleAssignment