

The EM (ExchangeMigration) Powershell module is used to assist a Microsoft Exchange cross-forest migration.

Minimum PowerShell version


Installation Options

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using PowerShellGet More Info

Install-Module -Name ExchangeMigration

Copy and Paste the following command to install this package using Microsoft.PowerShell.PSResourceGet More Info

Install-PSResource -Name ExchangeMigration

You can deploy this package directly to Azure Automation. Note that deploying packages with dependencies will deploy all the dependencies to Azure Automation. Learn More

Manually download the .nupkg file to your system's default download location. Note that the file won't be unpacked, and won't include any dependencies. Learn More


Package Details


  • Pietro Ciaccio | LinkedIn: | Twitter: @PietroCiac


Exchange Migration ExchangeMigration Windows Powershell


Clear-EMData Get-EMConfiguration Get-EMRecipientChanges Read-EMBackUp Read-EMLogs Set-EMSourceUniqueMailnickname Start-EMCheckHealth Start-EMCleanActiveDirectoryObject Start-EMLogsArchive Start-EMProcessContact Start-EMProcessContactBatch Start-EMProcessDistributionGroup Start-EMProcessDistributionGroupBatch Start-EMProcessMailbox Start-EMProcessMailboxBatch Test-EMConfiguration Write-EMConfiguration




This module has no dependencies.

Release Notes

EM was written to support a Microsoft Exchange Server 2010 to Microsoft Exchange Server 2016 cross-forest migration. Other scenarios may be supported, however at this stage untested.

GitHub is used for development, documentation, and reporting issues. Please refer to the GitHub project URI for guidance.

Please use the latest version available on PowerShell Gallery.


* Small change to cmdlet Get-EMRecipientChanges. It is now possible to not specify start or end, and the cmdlet will return all recipients.


* Added cmdlet Get-EMRecipientChanges. Provides list of recipients from the source Exchange Organization that have been modified within a specified datetime range.


* Improvements with Read-EMData and Write-EMData cmdlets.


* Bug fix with mail contacts logging.
* Added support for migrating mailbox sent items configuration for send-as and send-on-behalf
Note: It is not possible to enable sent items configuration for a linked mailbox. The mailbox must be a usermailbox.


* Bug fix with configuration management.


* Added rollback feature. Start-EMProcessMailbox -MoveMailbox parameter now supports the keyword RollBack.
Update to EM configuration required. New configuration item is DefaultRollbackDatabase.
EM will try to use move request data to determine where the mailbox was originally migrated from. If this is not available, EM will use the DefaultRollbackdatabase.
* Added logic to remove move request data if it would prevent tasks from executing.
* Added checks to make sure all the required information is populated in the configuration file.
* Added source and target domain / endpoint conflict detection. EM will now present an error message if they are the same.


* Bug fix with mail enabling target distribution groups.


* Small bug fix with batch logging.


* Bug fix with x500 uniqueness in proxyaddress calculations.


* Reduced backups. They now only occur on the first run.
* Updated mailbox quota handling. Added support for 35% mailbox increase when migrating from source to target Exchange Organizations.
 Only applies where custom quotas have been set. Default quotas need to be increased in the target Exchange Org to accomodate bloat.
* Improved x500 handling,


* Added administrator identity to logs.
* Updated linking mailbox behaviour with Start-EMProcessMailbox. EM will only make changes if explicitly stating -Link $true or $false.
* Removed dependency on move history for Start-EMProcessMailbox.


* Big fix with supporting CompletedWithWarning.


* Big fix with supporting CompletedWithWarning.


* Added Start-EMCheckHealth to provide high level health checking.


* Changes to backup logging
* Bug fix with collision detection


* Performance improvement with Read-EMBackup cmdlet


* Bug fix with grouptype.


* Changes to batch logging.


* Improved support for room and equipment mailboxes.


* Bug fix.


* Bug fix.


* Bug fix.


* Bug fix.


* Bug fix.


* Bug fixes.
* Added cmdlet to create unique mailnickname attributes in the source Active Directory.


* Bug fix.


* Bug fixes.


* Bug fixes.


* Bug fixes.
* Improvements to backup.


* Batch handling changes.


* Bug fix.


* Batch handling changes.


* Bug fix.


* Bug fix.


* Bug fix.


* Bug fix.


* Bug fix.


* Bug fix.


* Bug fix.


* Bug fix.


* Bug fix.


* Added backup feature.


* Bug fixes.


* Bug fixes.
* Added support for Quest Migration Manager's use of extensionattribute14 and 15.


* Optimization changes.


* Added contacts migration support.
* Small changes to support alias/mailnickname lookups.

## 0.6.2-alpha

* Small changes to psd1.

## 0.6.1-alpha

* Small correction in console logging.

## 0.6.0-alpha

* Logging improvements.

## 0.5.2-alpha

* Small bug fix with console logging.

## 0.5.1-alpha

* Bug fix with move request and large items.
* Increased move request bad item limit.

## 0.5.0-alpha

* Improved configuration management.

## 0.4.1-alpha

* Small changes to psd1.

## 0.4.0-alpha

* GALSync now less restrictive for mailboxes and distribution groups.
* Bug fix with calculating targetaddress attribute on mailbox separation.
* Improvements to room and equipment mailbox migrations.
* Added post mailbox migration settings feature. Supports settings not stored in AD and are not migrated by the new-moverequest cmdlet.
* Added single item recovery settings migration process.
* Changes to logging.

## 0.3.1-alpha

* Bug fix.

## 0.3.0-alpha

* Added feature to clean Active Directory object Exchange attributes.
* Added help data to cmdlets.

## 0.2-alpha

* Initial release from GitHub.


Version History

Version Downloads Last updated
0.16.1 (current version) 9,298 9/13/2019